"The late ministers and the new Ministry spitting cannon-balls at each other, the former from a partly ruined castle ..." (--British Museum catalogue). Several of the ministers are recognizable, including, from the Opposition on the left, Burke, Conway, and Dunning, and in the castle the King, Archibishop Markham, Germain, and Cornwall
Title from item. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark at top.
Pubd. May 1st, 1782 by J. Barrow, sold by E. Rich at the little Print Shop faceing Anderton's Coffee House, Fleet Street, and at Mr. Turners frame maker and print seller, No. 40, Snow hill
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797., Markham, William, 1719-1807., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., and Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721-1795.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Cannon balls, Bombardment, and Forts & fortifications
Two frames, depicting Fox (with a fox's head) on the left and Lord North on the right. Three sycophants attend to Fox as he defecates, one wiping his rear, another offering a chamber pot emblazoned with the royal arms. On the right the same three figures have accosted North and empty the chamber pot on his head
Alternative Title:
Minister out
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Four lines of verse under each image: When the ministers in, how subservient his friends ..., 1 print on wove paper : etching ; sheet 24 x 33 cm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark; mounted to 37 x 56 cm.
Pubd. April 22d, 1782, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806 and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792
"Britannia and America embrace, while France and Spain try to pull America away, Holland watches their efforts, and Fox points out the struggle to Keppel." A reference to attempts by Russia and Fox to mediate the conflict in 1781-82.
Title from item., A probable earlier state of no. 5989 without the Humphrey imprint. See Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Artist and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., and Mounted to 32 x 44 cm.
Pub. by T. Colley No. 5 Acorn Court Rolls Buildings Fetter Lane Old England
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain, United States, and America.
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Politics and government, History, Colonies, Liberty cap, and Clothing & dress
In the foreground (left) a party of ministers is carousing. Members of the Opposition watch them with indignation. In the distance (left) behind them mounted men with hounds chase a stag. On the right the Temple of Fame is being demolished by the enemies of Britain. Many of the figures have numbers referring to notes engraved beneath the design. The central figure in the ministerial group is (4) Sandwich ("S--h") seated on the ground playing a violin, between two courtesans, each of whom holds a goblet of wine. He turns to one of them, saying, "D--mn the Navy, Give me t'ther Glee"; she holds a torn paper inscribed "How merrily we live". An open book, "Catchs Glees", in front of him, is supported by a wine-bottle. In the left corner of the print is (5) North (“N--h”) seated on a small sack inscribed “Budg[et]”, he is yawning, his arms stretched above his head. Three men stand behind him: a man in Elizabethan dress wearing a tall hat and ruff who is (9) “R--by [Rigby] in the Character of Bobadil”. He says (apparently of Sandwich) “I would he were in the Bottomless Pit.” ... For the time-serving Rigby's attack on Germain and Sandwich, and flattery of Pitt (14 Dec. 1781) see Walpole, 'Last Journals', 1910, ii. 390, and 'Parliamentary Hist.' xxii. 847. Behind him and whispering into his ear, stands 8, Lord Amherst (“A--rst”), very thin, saying, “Dick Rugby [sic] Stand Close”. Behind Amherst stands 7, Lord George Germain (“G--mn”) saying “Jeffry Barebones [i.e. Amherst], this is worse than Minden.” Next on the right stands the group of patriots: (6) Pitt (“W--P--t”) looking towards North, says “Shake off this Indolence”. (3), Fox (“F--x”), pointing towards the Temple of Fame (right) and frowning, says, “Wheres your Navy, wheres your Islands”. (2), Burke (“B--k”) is saying “Wont even Destruction move ye”. (1), The Duke of Richmond (“R--d”) says “Curs'd be those men who owe their Greatness to their Countrys Ruin”. In the foreground (right) Britannia, seated on the ground on her shield, weeps, a handkerchief held to her eyes. Behind her is (10) “The Temple of Fame, formerly the Wonder of the World, but now in Ruins”, a building with a fluted dome on which the winged figure of Fame without her trumpet is poised on one foot, the other leg being broken off. ... See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Prospect of the year 1782
Title from caption etched above image. and A companion print to British Museum Satire 5988 also ascribed to a design by Townshend: Anticipatio, or, The contrast to the Royal hunt.
Published according to Act of Parliament by R. Owen, in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Politics and government, and Clothing & dress
In the foreground (left) a party of ministers is carousing. Members of the Opposition watch them with indignation. In the distance (left) behind them mounted men with hounds chase a stag. On the right the Temple of Fame is being demolished by the enemies of Britain. Many of the figures have numbers referring to notes engraved beneath the design. The central figure in the ministerial group is (4) Sandwich ("S--h") seated on the ground playing a violin, between two courtesans, each of whom holds a goblet of wine. He turns to one of them, saying, "D--mn the Navy, Give me t'ther Glee"; she holds a torn paper inscribed "How merrily we live". An open book, "Catchs Glees", in front of him, is supported by a wine-bottle. In the left corner of the print is (5) North (“N--h”) seated on a small sack inscribed “Budg[et]”, he is yawning, his arms stretched above his head. Three men stand behind him: a man in Elizabethan dress wearing a tall hat and ruff who is (9) “R--by [Rigby] in the Character of Bobadil”. He says (apparently of Sandwich) “I would he were in the Bottomless Pit.” ... For the time-serving Rigby's attack on Germain and Sandwich, and flattery of Pitt (14 Dec. 1781) see Walpole, 'Last Journals', 1910, ii. 390, and 'Parliamentary Hist.' xxii. 847. Behind him and whispering into his ear, stands 8, Lord Amherst (“A--rst”), very thin, saying, “Dick Rugby [sic] Stand Close”. Behind Amherst stands 7, Lord George Germain (“G--mn”) saying “Jeffry Barebones [i.e. Amherst], this is worse than Minden.” Next on the right stands the group of patriots: (6) Pitt (“W--P--t”) looking towards North, says “Shake off this Indolence”. (3), Fox (“F--x”), pointing towards the Temple of Fame (right) and frowning, says, “Wheres your Navy, wheres your Islands”. (2), Burke (“B--k”) is saying “Wont even Destruction move ye”. (1), The Duke of Richmond (“R--d”) says “Curs'd be those men who owe their Greatness to their Countrys Ruin”. In the foreground (right) Britannia, seated on the ground on her shield, weeps, a handkerchief held to her eyes. Behind her is (10) “The Temple of Fame, formerly the Wonder of the World, but now in Ruins”, a building with a fluted dome on which the winged figure of Fame without her trumpet is poised on one foot, the other leg being broken off. ... See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Prospect of the year 1782
Title from caption etched above image., A companion print to British Museum Satire 5988 also ascribed to a design by Townshend: Anticipatio, or, The contrast to the Royal hunt., and Uncolored impression. Trimmed to plate mark 250 x 360 mm.
Published according to Act of Parliament by R. Owen, in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Politics and government, and Clothing & dress
The new ministry of Keppel, Conway, Burke, Fox and Richmond (together with Pitt the Younger) is depicted on the left riding small posts like hobby-horses, their identities indicated by numbers with a corresponding key beneath the design. On the right the members of the old ministry (Sandwich, Amherst, North and Mansfield) are shown entering the jaws of Hell, prodded by the Devil with a pitchfork. In the center is a dome on 5 pillars, the temple of the Constitution
Title from item.
Pubd. by W Richardson, No. 68 High Holborn London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806. and Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721-1795.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Gallows, Pillories, Hell, Devil, and Cannons