Half-length portrait of British statesman Henry Addington Viscount Sidmouth, seated, facing front and "Portrait of Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, over half-length, seated to front, with hands folded, looking ahead; wearing dark double-breasted coat fastened with one button, light waistcoat, neckerchief and frill; curtain behind; octagonal design, bordered by three lines."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate from: Ryall, H.T. Portraits of eminent conservatives and statesmen. London : G. Virtue, [1836-46?]., Window mounted to 51 x 36 cm., and Mounted opposite page 616 (leaf numbered '51' in pencil) in volume 4 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Pubd. 1836 by the proprietor H.T. Ryall, 3 Euston Sqr., also by J. Fraser, 215 Regent St. and F.G. Moon, Threadneedle St.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, and Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844.
"Portrait; three-quarters length standing to the left; grey hair; long lace cravat and ruffles; heavy black brocaded silk Chancellor's robe with gold lace trimming on collar, facings and sleeves, over black velvet clothes; his right hand clasps an upright brass bound volume standing on a table to left, on which are also a bundle of papers tied up with tape; curtain behind to right, to left, a view of Christ Church seen through window; coat of arms below portrait."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable Lord Grenville
Title etched below image., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint statement from bottom edge. Imprint supplied from impression in the British Museum, registration no.: Q,2.42.+., and Bound in opposite page 658 (leaf numbered '107' in pencil) in volume 4 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Published as the act directs by J. Fittler, No 62 Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, and Christ Church (University of Oxford),
Subject (Topic):
Prime ministers, Politicians, Robes, and Coats of arms
"Three-quarter length, sitting, directed and looking towards the left, attired in wig, sash and robes, resting his arms on the chair in a relaxed fashion."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable Lord North
Title engraved below image., State from: Russell, C.E. English Mezzotint portraits and their states., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint statement from bottom edge. Imprint supplied from: Smith, J.C. British mezzotinto portraits., Window mounted to 51 x 36 cm., and Mounted opposite page 214 (leaf numbered '32' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Publish'd March 20, 1785, by W. Austin, drawing master, St. James's Street, & W. Dickinson, engraver & printseller, Bond Street
"Portrait of John Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle, in old age; over half-length, seated in an armchair very slightly to left, both arms on chair arms, wearing double-breated coat fastened with three buttons, white neckerchief and frill; octagonal design, bordered by three lines."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable Lord Rolle
Title etched below image., Date of publication from the National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG D5831)., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Window mounted to 51 x 36 cm., and Mounted opposite page 304 (leaf numbered '129' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Published by the proprietors Dawe & Gowar, 8 Regent Street, Pall Mall
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Rolle of Stevenstone, John Rolle, Baron, 1750-1842,
"Portrait, three-quarter length, standing in front of a pillar and curtain, facing towards left, holding rolled-up papers in his right hand; after T.C. Thompson; state before changing the words of the lettering."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable Viscount Sidmouth, &c. &c. &c.
Title etched below image., Samuel Cousins engraved the plate in conjunction with S.W. Reynolds, as indicated by the altered printmaker's statement on the third state. See Whitman., State from Whitman., Proof state, with the word "Proof" etched above imprint statement., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two sides., and Bound in opposite page 588 (leaf numbered '19' in pencil) in volume 4 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Jones, J. (John), approximately 1745-1797, printmaker
Published / Created:
[1 December 1792]
Call Number:
SH Contents R462 no. 2++ Box 310
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Portrait after Reynolds (Mannings 1918); half-length to left within a rectangular frame, wearing plain coat and frilled cravat; patterned curtain behind; published state."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Right Honourble William Windham
Title engraved below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark; bottom corners trimmed at an angle., and Lower corners trimmed at an angle.
Pubd. as the act directs Decr. 1st, 1792, by I. Jones, Portland Street, Portland Place
"Portrait of William Pitt, whole-length, seated in armchair, directed to the left, looking at the viewer, wearing double breasted coat, legs crossed, holding a paper in left hand on his knee, right hand resting on table behind with papers and books; open window behind with landscape view."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in loss of imprint statement. Imprint supplied from impression in the British Museum, registration no.: 1890,0415.135., Window mounted to 51 x 36 cm., and Mounted opposite page 288 (leaf numbered '114' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Published Decr. 26, 1804, by H. Edridge, No. 64 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, and by Colnaghi & Co., Cockspur Street, Charing Cross
"Portrait, almost half-length, directed, facing and looking slightly to the right, wearing a double-breasted dark coat with a high collar."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable William Windham MP
Title engraved below image., Window mounted to 51 x 36 cm., and Mounted opposite page 212 (leaf numbered '28' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Published May 2, 1803, by the engraver [that is, William Say], 91 Norton Street
"Portrait after Reynolds (Mannings 1767); almost half-length slightly to right within rectangular frame, looking to left, wearing frilled cravat, plain coat, partially fastened, and his hair powdered; published state."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., State from: Russell, C.E. English Mezzotint portraits and their states., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two sides., Dedication engraved beneath title: To the Noblemen & Gentlemen of the Whig Club and the Electors of the City & Liberty of Westminster, this plate is dedicated by their most obedient faithful humble servt. Willm. Austin., and Bound in opposite page 211 (leaf numbered '26' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Publish'd as the act directs, Mar. 25, 1789, by Wm. Austin, private teacher of drawing & etching, in York Street, near St. James's Church & the Surry side of Westminster Bridge
"Portrait after Reynolds (Mannings 467); whole-length standing turned slightly to right, facing and eyes to left, wearing in robes, his left hand on his hip and his right holding a roll of paper; table with papers and inkstand to right, staff to left; landscape through window behind"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins., and Mounted to 667 x 482 mm.; annotated in upper right corner "57."
Published Jan. 1st 1769 by Jno. Boydell, engraver in Cheapside, London