Title from item., "From an original picture painted by Mr. John Collett."--Below title., and Cf. No. 4258 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4.
Printed for Rob. Sayer, No. 53 in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Carriages & coaches, Military uniforms, British, Peg legs, Police, Prostitutes, Riots, Sailors, and Taverns (Inns)
Publisher varies: 30 mai 1969- Jean Schalit., Description based on: No 1 (7 mai 1968); title from caption., Latest issue consulted: No 45 (vendredi 30-samedi 31 mai 1969)., Available on microfilm., and BEIN 2009 Folio S15: From the Philippe Zoummeroff Collection of May 1968 Paris Counterculture: 1-30, 32-45; 38:suppl.
Hudibras and Ralpho encounter a mob armed with sticks; in the foreground, a one-legged fiddler, a butcher and a dancing bear with his leader. On the left, a woman reaches out her arms
Alternative Title:
Hudibras's first adventure
Title engraved above image., After Hogarth., From a series of twelve prints issued by Robert Sayer., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered '3' in upper left corner; "Part 1 Canto 1 l. 1." in upper right corner above image., Verse in three columns below image: "The Catalogue and Character of th' enemies best men of war Whom in a bold Harangue the Knight Defies and challenges to fight; H' encounters Talgol routs the bear, And takes the fidler prisoner; Conveys him to enchanted castle There shuts him fast in wooden bastile.", Copy of no. 506 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 84., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Printed & sold by Robt. Sayer, map & printseller at No. 53 in Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Bears, Crowds, Butchers, Musicians, People with disabilities, Puritans, Riots, and Trained animals
A riot in the street beside Temple Bar, the western boundary of the City of London, with the mob hanging and burning effigies of the members of the Rump Parliament; an effigy of Hudibras is carried in from the right on a pole by a man who carries in his other hand a sign "Down wth the Rumps"; he is followed by a crowd of men gesturing with sticks, brooms, and other tools. Rumps of beef burn over fires in the street
Alternative Title:
Burning the rumps at Temple-barr
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Caption on either side of title, begins: "That Beastly Rabble that came down. From all the Garretts in the Town ...", Numbered "11" above and to the right of the upper margin., One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6., and On page 38 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 27.3 x 50.2 cm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. and Temple Bar (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Crowds, Effigies, Executions in effigy, Fires, Riots, Signs (Notices), and History
A riot in the street beside Temple Bar, the western boundary of the City of London, with the mob hanging and burning effigies of the members of the Rump Parliament; an effigy of Hudibras is carried in from the right on a pole by a man who carries in his other hand a sign "Down wth the Rumps"; he is followed by a crowd of men gesturing with sticks, brooms, and other tools. Rumps of beef burn over fires in the street
Alternative Title:
Burning the rumps at Temple-barr
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Caption on either side of title, begins: "That Beastly Rabble that came down. From all the Garretts in the Town ...", Numbered "11" above and to the right of the upper margin., and One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. and Temple Bar (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Crowds, Effigies, Executions in effigy, Fires, Riots, Signs (Notices), and History
A riot in the street beside Temple Bar, the western boundary of the City of London, with the mob hanging and burning effigies of the members of the Rump Parliament; an effigy of Hudibras is carried in from the right on a pole by a man who carries in his other hand a sign "Down wth the Rumps"; he is followed by a crowd of men gesturing with sticks, brooms, and other tools. Rumps of beef burn over fires in the street
Alternative Title:
Burning the rumps at Temple-barr
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Sheet trimmed: 285 x 501 mm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. and Temple Bar (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Crowds, Effigies, Executions in effigy, Fires, Riots, Signs (Notices), and History
A riot in the street beside Temple Bar, the western boundary of the City of London, with the mob hanging and burning effigies of the members of the Rump Parliament; an effigy of Hudibras is carried in from the right on a pole by a man who carries in his other hand a sign "Down wth the Rumps"; he is followed by a crowd of men gesturing with sticks, brooms, and other tools. Rumps of beef burn over fires in the street
Alternative Title:
Burning the rumps at Temple-barr
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 38 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 27.1 x 49.8 cm.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. and Temple Bar (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Crowds, Effigies, Executions in effigy, Fires, Riots, Signs (Notices), and History
A riot in the street beside Temple Bar, the western boundary of the City of London, with the mob hanging and burning effigies of the members of the Rump Parliament; an effigy of Hudibras is carried in from the right on a pole by a man who carries in his other hand a sign "Down wth the Rumps"; he is followed by a crowd of men gesturing with sticks, brooms, and other tools. Rumps of beef burn over fires in the street
Alternative Title:
Burning the rumps at Temple-barr
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Philip Overton and John Cooper
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. and Temple Bar (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Crowds, Effigies, Executions in effigy, Fires, Riots, Signs (Notices), and History
A riot in the street beside Temple Bar, the western boundary of the City of London, with the mob hanging and burning effigies of the members of the Rump Parliament; an effigy of Hudibras is carried in from the right on a pole by a man who carries in his other hand a sign "Down wth the Rumps"; he is followed by a crowd of men gesturing with sticks, brooms, and other tools. Rumps of beef burn over fires in the street
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered '11' in upper left corner., Eighteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: That beastly rabble, that came down From all the garrets in the town, ... Made up of rags to personate Respective officers of state., Copy of: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, volume 1, number 514., Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), number 92., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. and Temple Bar (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Crowds, Effigies, Executions in effigy, Fires, Riots, Signs (Notices), and History
Plate 40. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A rural scene depicting with three inns at election time. At The Portobello (named in celebration of the naval victory of 1739 in contrast with the recent loss of Minorca), two veterans sit smoking or drinking at table while reminiscing; the tankard of the one engraved with the words "John Hill at the Porto Bello." At the second inn in the distance, is The Excise Office; on its sign is a picture the Crown. It is a Whig stronghold as its name alludes to Walpole's Excise Bill of 1733. It is surrounded by a rioting crowd; a man leans out one of the upper windows and is shooting a gun. At the third inn, the sign for The Royal Oak (its name alluding to Tory support for the Stuart monarchy) is partly obscured by the banner of "Punch Candidate for Guzzledown" which shows the Treasury being emptied of money that a candidate throws at voters. In the center of the design, a young country gentleman is being bribed by agents of both parties, while, to right, a portly candidate buys trinkets from a Jewish peddler for two young ladies on the balcony of "The Royal Oak"; the landlady counts her bribe under the watchful eye of a soldier while she leans against a carved British lion about to devour the fleur-de-lis of France. In this state the lion's teeth haved been removed and the print generally darkened
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., Dedication etched below image: To His Excellency Sr. Charles Hanbury Williams Embassador to the court of Russia. This plate is most humbly inscrib'd by his most obedient humble Servant. Willm. Hogarth., Second in a series of "Four prints of an election"., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: 2nd impression., and On page 173 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: .
W. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
City & town life, Eating & drinking, Political elections, Politicians, Taverns (Inns), Smoking, and Riots