Princely song of King Richard, sirnamed Cordelion, and of his bold courage and lamentable death
Date of publication from ESTC., "A noble Christian warrior,". - In five columns with the title, prose introduction and woodcut above the first three; the columns are not separated by rules., Full imprint statement reads: Northampton, Printed by William Dicey, of whom may be had all sorts of old and new ballads, broadsheets, histories, copper plates, pictures cut in wood, &c. much better printed, and cheaper than at any other place in England., Mounted on leaf 26. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
Title from caption below image., Lines of dialogue below title: "Commong porty wous munseer? O Oui, il est un tres belle jour"!, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Companion print to: Anglo-Gallic salutations in London, or, Practice makes perfect., Reissue of no. 14441 in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10; originally published June 10, 1822, by G. Humphrey., and Numbered in ms. at top of sheet: 115.
Title from item., Attributed to Ansell in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark at bottom., Temporary local subject terms: Containers: saltbox -- Tools: pitch-forks -- Allusion to taxation., and Watermark: J Whatman.
Pubd. Augt. 13th, 1798, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Subject (Topic):
Campaigns, Gout, John Bull (Symbolic character), Crowds, Exhibit booths, Fairs, Musical instruments, and Trumpets
Charles Fox, dressed as an Oriental prince, rides on top of an elephant depicted with Lord North's anxious-looking face. On his side to the left is a banner with "king of kings" written in Greek and "The man of the people" in English but crossed out to make it illegible. The elephant is led by Burke dressed in the Oriental fashion and blowing a trumpet. From the trumpet is suspended a fringed map of Bengal
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Text following printmaker's signature: Plate 2d., 1 print : etching and stipple engraving on wove paper ; plate mark 30.1 x 22.7 cm, on sheet 32.1 x 24.4 cm., and Mounted on leaf 21 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Published 5th Decr. 1783 by Thomas Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Princes, Standards (Identifying artifacts), Elephants, Trumpets, and Clothing & dress
Charles Fox, dressed as an Oriental prince, rides on top of an elephant depicted with Lord North's anxious-looking face. On his side to the left is a banner with "king of kings" written in Greek and "The man of the people" in English but crossed out to make it illegible. The elephant is led by Burke dressed in the Oriental fashion and blowing a trumpet. From the trumpet is suspended a fringed map of Bengal
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Text following printmaker's signature: Plate 2d., and Mounted on page 33 with one other print.
Published 5th Decr. 1783 by Thomas Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Princes, Standards (Identifying artifacts), Elephants, Trumpets, and Clothing & dress
Charles Fox, dressed as an Oriental prince, rides on top of an elephant depicted with Lord North's anxious-looking face. On his side to the left is a banner with "king of kings" written in Greek and "The man of the people" in English but crossed out to make it illegible. The elephant is led by Burke dressed in the Oriental fashion and blowing a trumpet. From the trumpet is suspended a fringed map of Bengal
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., and Text following printmaker's signature: Plate 2d.
Published 5th Decr. 1783 by Thomas Cornell, Bruton Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Princes, Standards (Identifying artifacts), Elephants, Trumpets, and Clothing & dress
"The interior of the House of Commons. The Duchess of Devonshire carries Fox on her shoulders; she looks round at the 'rabble' who follow her, headed by a little chimney-sweep, using his brush and shovel to beat a tune. She says, "When I take a thing in hand I always succeed". Her hair is decorated with a fox's brush. Fox in his orator's attitude, right fist clenched and held out, hat held out in his left hand, says, "I could never have got in without your Grace's assistance". Behind the chimneysweep is (?) Sam House in a shirt and breeches which are unfastened at the knee; he holds up on a pole a chemise or shift inscribed 'All sorts of Shifts made by C. J. Fox', saying, "This is the Devonshire method of introducing Members - Carlo for ever". Behind is a man with a lighted torch or link, saying, 'Sir Cecil has got the Devonshire Cholic'. A band of butchers play on marrow-bones and cleavers; one of them says, "She is a devilish fine Carcass - fine Meat!" On a pole is the cap of Liberty together with a fox's brush and a petticoat. In the background (right) the Speaker, in his chair behind the table with the mace, &c, and clerks are freely sketched: a sea of heads behind indicates the members."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Published after May 17, 1784. See British Museum catalogue v. 6, no. 6588., Watermark in center of sheet., and Mounted.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806, House, Samuel, -1785, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Politics and government, Princes, Standards (Identifying artifacts), Elephants, Trumpets, and Clothing & dress
"Alderman Wood, as a zany at a fair, stands on a platform outside a booth addressing a crowd of spectators, half length figures in the foreground forming the base of the design. He points with his right thumb to the Queen (left), who is ready to perform, dressed much as in British Museum Satires No. 14103 but more grotesquely. On the right are Brougham and Denman, as beefeaters, with the letters 'C R' on the breast, but with legal wig and bands; each has a trumpet; that of Denman, who blows it, has a banner 'Solicit you in General'. Wood has ass's ears, wears a fool's cap and red and yellow gown (see British Museum Satires No. 14122) over his suit, with big jack-boots. Under his arm is a bulky rolled document; he holds out a placard: 'Signora Diable Humbuggina now exhibiting with most astonishing Effect.' His words are etched on a big tricolour placard above his head: 'Now then Ladies and Gemmen, here ye has Signora Diable Humbuggina, the most wonderfullest conjuress that ever vas seed at home or abroad. The most perfect Amphibrous Nondescript Hannimal that was ever seed before or behind. She has exhibited her Genus to all the crowned Potentaties, and all the principalest Men in all Europe including the Day of Alljeers [Tunis, see British Museum Satires No. 12810] von o' the best Judges in this here Universe. This here living vonder o' the vorld can conjure dunghill grubs and Knights of all sorts [see British Museum Satires No. 13810], ride a Donkey [see British Museum Satires No. 14015] a Zebra [see British Museum Satires No. 14110] and her high-horse at von and the same time. Sleep 40 days & nights under the same Tent vith a man, and never be wicious [see British Museum Satires No. 13818]. She can play with all the grace that ever vas, Columbine, Automaton [see British Museum Satires No. 14120, &c.] Pilgrim [see British Museum Satires No. 14121], or Dragon, and swallow all sorts of Spirity liquors by the Gallon and never be the Vorserer [see British Museum Satires No. 14175]--. So now is the time before this most surprisingest exhibition closes. Blow the trumpet Denny--Valk up Ladies and Gemmen-- Vy dont you blow Broom?' The Queen, very décolletée, with an over-dress displaying frilled and spotted drawers or trousers, wears a barn-stormer's crown with towering peacocks' feathers. At her feet is a notice: 'Juggling taught in all its branches'. At the feet of the beefeaters: 'Books of the travels of this wonderfull Phenomenon to be had within'. Their booth is garlanded with fairy lights and surmounted by a cap of Liberty. In the background on left and right are other attractions of the fair. A beefeater with 'G.R' on his breast blows his trumpet outside a booth flying a Union Jack, and inscribed 'Here's your Works. All from Nature. No connexion with the Jugglers.' Outside it are pictorial placards, all of animals with human heads: an ass with the head of Lieut. Hownam, a creature with the head of Bergami, and an ape with the head of Wood as in British Museum Satires No. 14131. Visitors crowd towards it. Before it is a woman in a swing. On the right are two tents, one inscribed 'Good Strong Caroline Brandy', the other flying a tricolour flag inscribed 'Ale and strong liquors'. In the centre foreground stands John Bull, pointing up at the Queen, and addressing the gaping and amused spectators around him. He is a plump respectable countryman, his words engraved below the title: 'Why dang-it I tell ye that ere business be all Impositioning like--Do na g'in, I mysel war taken in tother day; but blow my wig if I ha any more to do wi that shew like.--do na g'in, It be all my eye [cf. British Museum Satires No. 14180] and Betty-Martin or my neame beant John Bull.--'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Mat Pudding and his mountebank
Title etched below image., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 45 of: George Humphrey shop album.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St., London
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843, Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868, Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854, and Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Circus performers, Circuses & shows, Stages (Platforms)., Spectators, Honor guards, Trumpets, Banners, Fools' caps, Boots, Documents, Signs (Notices), Crowns, Feathers, Liberty cap, Donkeys, Swings, Show tents, and Flags
"Alderman Wood, as a zany at a fair, stands on a platform outside a booth addressing a crowd of spectators, half length figures in the foreground forming the base of the design. He points with his right thumb to the Queen (left), who is ready to perform, dressed much as in British Museum Satires No. 14103 but more grotesquely. On the right are Brougham and Denman, as beefeaters, with the letters 'C R' on the breast, but with legal wig and bands; each has a trumpet; that of Denman, who blows it, has a banner 'Solicit you in General'. Wood has ass's ears, wears a fool's cap and red and yellow gown (see British Museum Satires No. 14122) over his suit, with big jack-boots. Under his arm is a bulky rolled document; he holds out a placard: 'Signora Diable Humbuggina now exhibiting with most astonishing Effect.' His words are etched on a big tricolour placard above his head: 'Now then Ladies and Gemmen, here ye has Signora Diable Humbuggina, the most wonderfullest conjuress that ever vas seed at home or abroad. The most perfect Amphibrous Nondescript Hannimal that was ever seed before or behind. She has exhibited her Genus to all the crowned Potentaties, and all the principalest Men in all Europe including the Day of Alljeers [Tunis, see British Museum Satires No. 12810] von o' the best Judges in this here Universe. This here living vonder o' the vorld can conjure dunghill grubs and Knights of all sorts [see British Museum Satires No. 13810], ride a Donkey [see British Museum Satires No. 14015] a Zebra [see British Museum Satires No. 14110] and her high-horse at von and the same time. Sleep 40 days & nights under the same Tent vith a man, and never be wicious [see British Museum Satires No. 13818]. She can play with all the grace that ever vas, Columbine, Automaton [see British Museum Satires No. 14120, &c.] Pilgrim [see British Museum Satires No. 14121], or Dragon, and swallow all sorts of Spirity liquors by the Gallon and never be the Vorserer [see British Museum Satires No. 14175]--. So now is the time before this most surprisingest exhibition closes. Blow the trumpet Denny--Valk up Ladies and Gemmen-- Vy dont you blow Broom?' The Queen, very décolletée, with an over-dress displaying frilled and spotted drawers or trousers, wears a barn-stormer's crown with towering peacocks' feathers. At her feet is a notice: 'Juggling taught in all its branches'. At the feet of the beefeaters: 'Books of the travels of this wonderfull Phenomenon to be had within'. Their booth is garlanded with fairy lights and surmounted by a cap of Liberty. In the background on left and right are other attractions of the fair. A beefeater with 'G.R' on his breast blows his trumpet outside a booth flying a Union Jack, and inscribed 'Here's your Works. All from Nature. No connexion with the Jugglers.' Outside it are pictorial placards, all of animals with human heads: an ass with the head of Lieut. Hownam, a creature with the head of Bergami, and an ape with the head of Wood as in British Museum Satires No. 14131. Visitors crowd towards it. Before it is a woman in a swing. On the right are two tents, one inscribed 'Good Strong Caroline Brandy', the other flying a tricolour flag inscribed 'Ale and strong liquors'. In the centre foreground stands John Bull, pointing up at the Queen, and addressing the gaping and amused spectators around him. He is a plump respectable countryman, his words engraved below the title: 'Why dang-it I tell ye that ere business be all Impositioning like--Do na g'in, I mysel war taken in tother day; but blow my wig if I ha any more to do wi that shew like.--do na g'in, It be all my eye [cf. British Museum Satires No. 14180] and Betty-Martin or my neame beant John Bull.--'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Mat Pudding and his mountebank
Title etched below image., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching with stipple ; sheet 37.9 x 29.1 cm., Printed on wove paper with watermark "J. Whatman"; hand-colored., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 64 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Caroline," "Wood," "Brougham," and "Denman" identified in ink at bottom of sheet; date "16 Ap. 1821" written in lower right corner. Typed extract of eight lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St., London
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843, Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868, Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854, and Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Circus performers, Circuses & shows, Stages (Platforms)., Spectators, Honor guards, Trumpets, Banners, Fools' caps, Boots, Documents, Signs (Notices), Crowns, Feathers, Liberty cap, Donkeys, Swings, Show tents, and Flags
Volume 2, page 14. Etchings by Henry William Bunbury, Esq. and after his designs. Page 5. Bunbury
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A woman seated in profile to right, holding a handkerchief on her laps with both hands; a little girl standing next to her, almost in profile to left, putting both hands on the woman's lap and looking up towards her; to right, an older girl seated, holding a book open on her lap with both hands, looking up to the sky; to left, a boy seated, in profile to left, blowing a trumpet; in a roundel; after H Bunbury."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title from text below image., State with dedication added above imprint statement. For an earlier state lacking this text, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1917,1208.953., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Four lines of text below title: The shade of my mother hovers round me, when in a still evening I sit in the midst of her children, I wish that she could look down upon us, and see that I fulfil the promise I made her to be a mother to them. Sorrows of Werter, Dedication etched above imprint statement: To the Honble. Miss Grenville, this print after an original drawing by H. Bunbury Esqr. is with the greatest respect dedicated by her most obedient humble servant, W. Dickinson., Illustration to Goethe's The sorrows of young Werther., and Mounted on page 14 in volume 2 of: Etchings by Henry William Bunbury, Esq. and after his designs.
Publish'd August 21st, 1783, by W. Dickinson, engraver & printseller, No. 158 New Bond Street