Title from caption below image., Publication information from unverified data from local card catalog record., Caption continues: Turn away thine eyes from me, Timothy, for they overcome me thy hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Gilead!", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Female costume: 1830 -- Male costume: 1830 -- Lighting -- Shells: conch --Reference to Gilead., and Print numbered in ms. near top edge of sheet: 44.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Candlesticks, Chairs, Dogs, Fireplaces, Mirrors, and Vases
"A toilet scene. The Regent stands in profile to the right at his dressing-table, rouging his cheek with a small brush. An attendant, resembling McMahon, laces the stays which in front resemble a waistcoat; he tugs at the lace, standing on a low stool, using one foot as a fulcrum against his master's posterior (cf. British Museum Satires No. 8287), a small buffer ornamented with goats' heads being attached to this foot. On the oval mirror which reflects the Prince's face sits a monkey, holding on its head a wig with a pyramid of curls above the forehead with large side-whiskers attached. The Prince's hair is similarly arranged. The Prince's tail-coat, in back view, is spreadeagled on a stand. On an ornate wall-bracket inscribed 'Bills' and 'Recetts' are two ornamental files, one filled with bills: 'hatters Bill', 'Poulterers Bill', 'Fishmongers B', 'Hair Dresser', 'Taylors Bill', 'Butchers Bill', 'Docters Bill', 'Silve smiths Bill'; the other empty. A bracket-clock, surmounted by a figure of Time shearing a triple ostrich plume, points to two o'clock (reversed). A round wall-mirror and candle-sconce is surmounted by a figure of Bacchus bestriding a cask. On the dressing-table are pots and jars of 'Tooth Powder', 'Rouge', 'Otto of Roses', and 'Secilian Wash for the Skin'. On the floor is a book, 'The Stripes Poem', which a small dog shaved like a poodle is befouling."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Regency a la mode
Title etched below image., Imprint statement burnished from plate and mostly illegible; it appears to begin "Pub. Feb. 1st [...?]"., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Laid down on modern laid blue-grey THS Kent paper. Mounted to 49 x 36 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, McMahon, John, approximately 1754-1817, and Dionysus (Greek deity),
A man wearing laced coat and sword and holding a snuff box leans on an elaborately carved console table of the pump room at Bath, admiring himself in a mirror. An illustration for the "History of Captain S_: or, the Bath Adonis."
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Date and publication information from British Museum catalogue., and Extended to 26 x 18 cm.
The Matrimonial Magazine?
Subject (Geographic):
Bath (England) and England
Subject (Topic):
Dandies, British, Clothing & dress, Furniture, Mirrors, Wallpaper, and Tables
Leaf 52. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title etched below image., Restrike. For original issue of the plate, see Lewis Walpole Library call no.: 827.00.00.38., Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], Text below title: E cod! one might as well shave with a saw!, and On leaf 52 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Published by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket [i.e. Field & Tuer] and Field & Tuer
Subject (Topic):
Shaving, Shaving equipment, Razor blades, and Mirrors
"Four card-players at a round table in an old maid's parlour, with expressions that indicate a crisis in the game. A monkey sits on the back of the hostess's chair, about to snatch off her cap. A cockatoo is on a high perch before a tall folding screen decorated with prints. A kettle boils on the fire."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image.
Published Jany 4, 1825 by S.W. Fores, Picadilly [sic]
Subject (Topic):
Playing cards, Card games, Cockatoos, Interiors, Parlors, Mirrors, and Monkeys
A satire on the new fashion of Jean Debry coats: A tailor holds a mirror to a customer who looks at his image with horror. The customer complains that he has put a hump upon each shoulder. The tailor replies that the coat has been made to his wife's specifications
Title etched below image., Series title and number etched above print., Publication date from British Museum catalogue and Grego., and Publication line altered, with the original date of publication removed: Pubd. Oct. 1st, 1799, by R. Akerman, No. 101 Strand.
A satire on the new fashion of Jean Debry coats: A tailor holds a mirror to a customer who looks at his image with horror. The customer complains that he has put a hump upon each shoulder. The tailor replies that the coat has been made to his wife's specifications
Title etched below image., Series title and number etched above print., Earlier state, with imprint. Cf. No. 9625 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., and Earlier state described by Joseph Grego in Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 15.
Pubd. Oct. 1st, 1799, by R. Akerman, No. 101 Strand
In his meager attic lodgings, a man dresses as his land lady looks on. On the wall is a poster with a portrait of Thomas Paine and a partially torn sign with the words "Buggs distroy'd", the art amplifying the subject
Title engraved below image., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Plate numbered '174' in lower left corner., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published 28th Novr. 1796 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Name):
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809.
Subject (Topic):
Attics, Landlord & tenant relations, Mirrors, Poverty, and Shaving equipment
Leaf 18. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A group of macaronis in a dressing room, one having his hair dressed by a flamboyant hairdresser and his young black assistant, another practising fencing, a third plays with his pet cockatoo, another looks down at a servant boy who is spilling a tray of cups. The pictures on the wall allude to the action ("Morning Devotion") and themes (Rotten Row Macaroni) in the print; also an ornate mirror is centered in the room on the wall. On the floor is a sheet with the Newmarket horse races listed. The man having his hair tended wears beauty patches on his cheek
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., For another version of this design in reverse, see no. 4781 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., On leaf 18., and 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 25.3 x 35.2 cm, on sheet 27.5 x 44.4 cm.
Pub. according to act June 26th, 1772, by MDarly, (39) Strand
Subject (Topic):
Blacks, Boudoirs, Cockatoos, Dandies, Hairdressing, Mirrors, Servants, and Vanity
Leaf 18. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A group of macaronis in a dressing room, one having his hair dressed by a flamboyant hairdresser and his young black assistant, another practising fencing, a third plays with his pet cockatoo, another looks down at a servant boy who is spilling a tray of cups. The pictures on the wall allude to the action ("Morning Devotion") and themes (Rotten Row Macaroni) in the print; also an ornate mirror is centered in the room on the wall. On the floor is a sheet with the Newmarket horse races listed. The man having his hair tended wears beauty patches on his cheek
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., and For another version of this design in reverse, see no. 4781 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4.
Pub. according to act June 26th, 1772, by MDarly, (39) Strand
Subject (Topic):
Blacks, Boudoirs, Cockatoos, Dandies, Hairdressing, Mirrors, Servants, and Vanity
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Plate numbered '22' in upper left and '12' in upper right corner., Another state, with two plate numbers and by a different publisher. Cf. No. 4781 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., and Watermark: countermark IV.
Pub. according to act June 26th 1772, by MDarly, (39) Strand
Subject (Topic):
Black people, Boudoirs, Cockatoos, Dandies, Hairdressing, Mirrors, Servants, and Vanity
"A 'cit' smokes angrily over his glass, tilting his chair, while his pretty young wife sits with folded arms. A handsome young officer opens the door, apparently unseen by both. Below the design: 'Husband. - What makes you look so thoughtful my Love, what are you puzzling your Dear Head about now." Wife - Why you said last Night at Supper, that you knew every one in our Street were Cuckolds but one, - And I have been Puzzling Myself ever since to find out who that one could be." - "Husband.-" Oh! Oh! Very well, I have done."'"--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
Title from item., Printmaker identified from the original drawing in the Huntington Library., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Plate numbered '202' in lower right corner., and Temporary local subject terms: Young women -- Cuckolds -- Furnishings -- Furniture.
Published 10th October 1797 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Topic):
Young adults, Women, Military officers, Adultery, Mirrors, Pipes (Smoking), and Chairs
A woman stands before a mirror in her petticoat with her maid behind her holding her dress. Caption below image: Well I declare Betty I'm getting rather too much en bon points, don't you think so? Why yes miss I think you are getting too much bone points!
Title from text above image. and Publication date from unverified data in local card catalog record.
W. Spooner, 377 Strand
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Mirrors, Women, and Women domestics
"Scene in a neat parlour or music room, with open square piano and lyre-back chairs. A middle-aged termagant, coquettishly dressed, has overturned her chair and stands with raised fist, shrieking at a very young man in riding-dress. He sits (left) with hat and riding-switch beside him, bewildered and passive; his dog takes cover under his chair, looking sideways at an aggressive cat which arches its back against its mistress. A cockatoo screams from its perch. On the piano, which is inscribed Row Maker, is an open music-book: Blow High. Blow Low; on the floor is a book open at Wake to Ecstacy the living Lyre. Behind the woman's head is a convex wall-mirror, topped by a carved eagle which looks fiercely down. This is flanked by two sea-scapes: Calm (left), ships becalmed, and Storm (right), a ship struck by lightning and about to be submerged in towering waves."--British Museum catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Pictures in image amplify subject of the print., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, lithographer
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title devised by cataloger based on caption below image in center of sheet., Date of publication from unaltered impression in the Yale Center for British Art., Text following imprint: Also sold by T. Dewhurst, Manchester; T. Drake, Birmingham; R. Thorley, Bath; M.A. Organ, Bristol; Ross & Nightingale, Liverpool; &c &c &c., Numerous small designs on one sheet, some individually titled below., and Description based on imperfect impression; three areas of text below series title have been mostly or completely erased from sheet.
Pubd. by J. Kendrick, 54 Leicester Squr
Subject (Topic):
Umbrellas, Boats, Headdresses, Carriages & coaches, Skeletons, Dogs, Peg legs, Amputees, Military uniforms, Rifles, Mirrors, Deer, Sleepwear, Turbans, Monuments & memorials, Birds of prey, Devil, Cats, and Carts & wagons
A well-dressed young woman holding a fan and wearing a large feather in her hair stands with her back towards a mirror set on a stand as she looks back over her shoulder at her reflection. She wears a small, satisfied smile on her face
Title engraved below image., Printed on one sheet together with: "Scorn.", and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published 20th November 1797 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Complacence, Mirrors, and Young adults
"Five elderly men dressed in the fashion of youth."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., One of the series of Laurie & Whittle drolls., Numbered '196' in lower left of plate., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Old men -- Morning Herald -- Literature: reference to Ovid's Art of Love -- Magnifying glasses -- Pince-nez -- Walking staves -- Duelling: crossed foils -- Placards., and Watermark (partial).
Published 22nd August 1797 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Topic):
Bachelors, Older people, Newspapers, Reading, Staffs (Sticks), Signs (Notices), Hand lenses, and Mirrors
"A fat, elderly man, his face contorted, struggles between two men, who try to pull on pantaloons; he puts an arm round the neck of each, nearly throttling the man on his right. A boy stands (right), legs astride. A grinning head looks through a casement window (left). A looking-glass on the wall (right) has been knocked sideways. Cf. British Museum Satires No. 6723."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., One of the series of Laurie & Whittle drolls., Numbered '203' in lower left of plate., and Temporary local subject terms: Old men -- Male dress: pantaloons -- Furnishings.
Published 13th November 1797 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Bachelors, Older people, and Mirrors
Title and place of publication from item., Date derived from poster style., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Imp. P. Leménil, Asniéres
Subject (Topic):
Advertising, Soap, Hygiene, Beauty, Personal, Women, Mirrors, and Soaps
Page 3. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A man and woman sit facing each other beside the counter, which stretches across the design; he holds a jelly-glass and puts a spoonful to her mouth; she sits with open mouth and folded arms, a closed fan in one hand. A third customer leans on the counter, holding a jelly-glass and admiring through a lorgnette his own reflection in a mirror; this is the centre of the wall behind the counter, dividing two sets of shelves on which are neatly ranged canisters, glasses, packets, &c. A shop-girl (right) also gazes at the pair. All are fashionably dressed."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., After an original drawing by Isaac Cruikshank in the Huntington Library., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint from bottom edge. Imprint supplied from impression in the British Museum., Plate numbered "219" in lower left corner., Mounted to 32 x 26 cm; pasted beneath is a 1750s newspaper clipping advertising "How's Chocolate and Jelly House in Half-Moon-Court joining to Ludgate"., and Mounted on page 3 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Published 4th June 1798 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
"Two groups of persons who are candidates for the place of hangman. Inscribed labels issue from the persons of four of them. Two men sit side by side on a settee, wearing curiously shaped crowns or coronets, one (left) shaped like a wall. The former holds a paper inscribed "To J------e G------m" showing that he is Justice Gillam, who ordered the soldiers to fire on the Wilkite mob outside the King's Bench Prison on 10 May 1768 (see British Museum Satires No. 4201). He says: "Everyone knows my abilities as a Man-killer". His companion says: "Let the Place be held by Commission and let the two Kennedies & my self, be Lords Commissioners of the Rope". Behind, and to the left of the settee three persons stand together: A rough-looking man, flourishing a stick says: "I wont accept of ye Office without a Peerage to Support its Dignity". Next him is a Judge in wig and robes. On the right., their backs to a window, stand three men; Sir Fletcher Norton in his Speaker's robes, and the horns which indicate that he is 'Sir Bullface Double Fee', see British Museum Satires No. 4238, 4462, and index, says: "B------n S------h has spoil'd ye Trade, if Murderers were to be hang'd ye Place might be worth acceptce". He stands between the two Kennedy brothers and is alluding to the reprieve (for transportation) of one of them, the other having been acquitted. "B------n S------h" may be intended for Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, a baron of the Exchequer. This reprieve was for the murder of a watchman in a drunken brawl, and was believed to be due to the influence of the young men's sister, Polly or Kitty Kennedy, see 1935,0522.2.2 and British Museum Satires No., 4463. It was made a political question by Parson Horne and others, see Walpole, 'Memoirs of the Reign of George IV', 1845, iv. 110-11; Stephens, 'Memoirs of Horne Tooke', i. 185. 1770."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to and within plate mark., Probably an illustration in The Oxford magazine, v. 4, page 113., Temporary local subject terms: Law: judge -- Law: speaker -- Emblems: crown of the City of London -- Furnishings: settee -- Paddle -- Hangmen: Tom Turlis -- Kennedy Brothers' reprieve -- Matthew Kennedy -- Patrick Kennedy -- Justice Samuel Gillam, Magistrate of Surrey, 1715-1793? -- Nicknames: Sir Bullface Double-fee (i.e., Sir Fletcher Norton)., and Mounted to 13 x 18 cm.
"A party of revellers gathered in a cosy room by a fireplace, under the jolly gaze of the slightly grotesque hosts who sit grinning at centre, looking out to the viewer; the forfeit has just been announced that a young countryman ('Ralph Jones') should kiss the candlestick; a young woman stands holding a candle at left, impersonating the said object, while Ralph fervently kisses the actual candlestick at right, watched by a laughing young woman, a thin man wearing glasses and a young boy, who are standing around a table with glasses and punch-bowl; behind at left, the 'long-nosed clergyman' is locked in an embrace with the 'snub-nosed old maid'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Artist questionably identified as either G.M. Woodward or Samuel Collings in the British Museum online catalogue., Listed without description with other prints from The wit's magazine. Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6, no. 6885., Temporary local subject terms: Games: "Kiss the candlestick"., and 1 print : etching with stipple on laid paper ; plate mark 17.5 x 22.5 cm, on sheet 22 x 24 cm
Published as the act directs by Harrison & Co.
Subject (Topic):
Bowls (Tableware), Cats, Dogs, Fireplaces, Holidays, Kissing, Mirrors, and Tables
"A party of revellers gathered in a cosy room by a fireplace, under the jolly gaze of the slightly grotesque hosts who sit grinning at centre, looking out to the viewer; the forfeit has just been announced that a young countryman ('Ralph Jones') should kiss the candlestick; a young woman stands holding a candle at left, impersonating the said object, while Ralph fervently kisses the actual candlestick at right, watched by a laughing young woman, a thin man wearing glasses and a young boy, who are standing around a table with glasses and punch-bowl; behind at left, the 'long-nosed clergyman' is locked in an embrace with the 'snub-nosed old maid'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Artist questionably identified as either G.M. Woodward or Samuel Collings in the British Museum online catalogue., Listed without description with other prints from The wit's magazine. Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6, no. 6885., Temporary local subject terms: Games: "Kiss the candlestick"., and Mounted to 21 x 26 cm.
Published as the act directs by Harrison & Co.
Subject (Topic):
Bowls (Tableware), Cats, Dogs, Fireplaces, Holidays, Kissing, Mirrors, and Tables
Title from item., Attributed to Ansell in the British Museum catalogue., Printseller's announcement following imprint: Folios of caracatures [sic] lent out for the evening., and Temporary local subject terms: 'Cits' -- Beverages: port -- Console table -- Spying glass -- Game: farm animals, dog and rats.
Pubd. Decr. 8th, 1800, by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Leaf 71. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title etched below image., Attribution to Rowlandson from unverified data in local card catalog record., Restrike; plate originally published ca. 1800?, Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], and On leaf 71 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Field & Tuer
Subject (Topic):
Barbers, Barbershops, Mirrors, Shaving, Shaving equipment, and Dogs
"A stout elderly man (left) seated in a chair shaves himself, while a pretty young woman (right) stands before him holding up a hand-mirror. A little girl is seated in a child's chair beside her father, she watches a cat and kitten at her feet."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image.
Publish'd August 21st, 1786, by J.R. Smith, No. 83 Oxford Street
A young woman seated in a caned armchair with cushions, directed to right, wearing a frilled cap, a dark apron over her gown with long sleeves and ruffles at the elbow, spinning and glancing at the viewer; a fireplace with a work bag hanging a fire screen in front of it, to the right; an urn on the mantel piece with a mirror on the wall, curtains behind on right and left; after Heilmann
Alternative Title:
Domestic amusement and Lovely spinner
Title from caption etched below image., Date from unverified card catalog., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Companion print to: Domestick amusement. The fair seamstress., and Watermark.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, map & printseller, at the Golden Buck near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street
Subject (Topic):
Chairs, Fireplaces, Interiors, Mirrors, Purses, Sewing equipment & supplies, Spinning, Spinning apparatus, and Young adults
Drawing depicting a speculum of kennel-coal, in a leather case, that was supposedly used by Dr. Dee the conjurer to deceive the mob in the reign of Queen Elizabeth
Title written in ink below image on mounting page., Attribution to John Carter from local catalog card., Date of production based on probable date for Richard Bull's assembly of the extra-illustrated volume in which this drawing appears. See Hazen., Depicted object was formerly owned by Horace Walpole and kept in the Great North Bedchamber at Strawberry Hill. For a description of the object, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1966,1001.1., Mounted on page 215 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Name):
Dee, John, 1527-1608. and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
"Lyndhurst stands beside a dressing-table (left), in shirt-sleeves, wearing his Chancellor's wig. He puts one hand into the arm-hole of a coat which a footman in livery holds out, saying, 'Your Lordship's Coat is become very threadbare for you know you turned it only last year--& it has been turned before that: so I much doubt if it will bear turning any more-- Can't you afford to buy a new one now her Ladyship earns her own Expenses?-- Doodle pays all her bills and gives her every thing she can wish for.' Lyndhurst: 'Alas! she'll get no more out of Doodle! he has quite kicked her off--She is just now gone to Cumberland to try after a service there which perhaps may enable me to keep still sitting on Wool, if I can but turn this Coat once more & look decent.' On a settee (right) are the mace, Purse of the Great Seal, and the Chancellor's gown."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Print signed using William Heath's device: A man with an umbrella.
Pub. March 24, 1829, by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket
Subject (Name):
Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron, 1772-1863, Lyndhurst, Sarah Garay, Lady, 1795-1834., and Dudley, John William Ward, Earl of, 1781-1833.
Subject (Topic):
Dressing tables, Mirrors, Servants, Wigs, Coats, Ceremonial maces, and Robes
Page 133. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A fashionably dressed lady and gentleman are seated facing each other, a tea-table between them. She wears an enormous 'derrière' and a projecting bosom; a round hat with a huge brim surrounded by a curtain frill of lace, through which her eyes and much-curled hair are visible. He wears a tight-fitting coat with a high collar, large buttons, and projecting shirt-frill. His hair or wig is in a looped queue with large side-curls. He looks at himself in a pocket-mirror with a satisfied air. His cane and round hat are on a chair behind him. The 'antient' dresses are those of the three quarter length portraits on the wall: in the centre are a gentleman and lady standing together in early Georgian dress, each holds a crook, a bird sits on the lady's finger. This is flanked by a lady (left) in quasi-Elizabethan dress, wearing a conical hat, a ruff, and a hooped petticoat in the form of a cylinder; and a man (right) wearing a high hat, cloak, slashed doublet, and breeches, holding a hooded hawk."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Dresses antient and modern
Title etched below image., Temporary local subject terms: Ladies' costume -- Men's costume -- Pocket mirror -- Pictures that amplify subject., 1 print : etching with stipple on laid paper ; sheet 23.7 x 28 cm., Sheet trimmed to plate mark; mounted to 26 x 32 cm., and Mounted on page 133 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Pubd. May 16, 1786, by G.T. Stubbs, Peters Court, St. Martins Lane
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Mirrors, Tea services, and Chairs
Page 133. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A fashionably dressed lady and gentleman are seated facing each other, a tea-table between them. She wears an enormous 'derrière' and a projecting bosom; a round hat with a huge brim surrounded by a curtain frill of lace, through which her eyes and much-curled hair are visible. He wears a tight-fitting coat with a high collar, large buttons, and projecting shirt-frill. His hair or wig is in a looped queue with large side-curls. He looks at himself in a pocket-mirror with a satisfied air. His cane and round hat are on a chair behind him. The 'antient' dresses are those of the three quarter length portraits on the wall: in the centre are a gentleman and lady standing together in early Georgian dress, each holds a crook, a bird sits on the lady's finger. This is flanked by a lady (left) in quasi-Elizabethan dress, wearing a conical hat, a ruff, and a hooped petticoat in the form of a cylinder; and a man (right) wearing a high hat, cloak, slashed doublet, and breeches, holding a hooded hawk."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Dresses antient and modern
Title etched below image. and Temporary local subject terms: Ladies' costume -- Men's costume -- Pocket mirror -- Pictures that amplify subject.
Pubd. May 16, 1786, by G.T. Stubbs, Peters Court, St. Martins Lane
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Mirrors, Tea services, and Chairs
A macabre caricature divided into two compartments, The Dandy and The Dangle. On the left, a strutting dandy ties his neckcloth in front of a mirror saying: 'I declare these large Neckcloths are monstrously handy, They [serve] for a shirt too and make one a Dandy.' The right hand image is of a dandy, head covered in a cloth, dangling from a wooden beam with a tie around his neck. Behind him is a town square and in the foreground, a crowd looks on. The image is accompanied by the text: 'When a man comes to this there's little to hope, His neat Dandy Neckcloth is changed for a Rope'.
Alternative Title:
Modern neckcloths
Title etched below image., Date from dealer's description., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Contemporary manuscript correction in ink of the leftmost speech bubble, with the omitted word "serve" inserted.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Fashion, Great Britain, Clothing & dress, Crowds, Dandies, Mirrors, Neckties, and Hangings (Executions)
A hairdresser stands on stilts to dress the hair of a lady who sits before her mirrored vanity, her fee outstretched and resting on a foot stool. He pulls her long hair high above her head to its full length is taut as he twists to style it. She holds the sides of her head in pain. His coat is tossed on the chair to the left. On her vanity are a pin cushion, bottles, and ribbons. The mirror is supported but two female figures in classical dress and adorned with two cherubs at the top who hold a laurel wreath
Title etched below image., After Louis Gameray and published by Pierre La Mésangère. See British Museum online catalogue registration number: 1861,1012.197., Series title and number etched above image, Dated in the British Museum catalogue: 1814., and Pierre La Mésangère, located on rue Montmatre in Paris.
La Mésangère
Subject (Geographic):
France and Paris
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Dressing tables, Hairdressing, Mirrors, Pride, and Stilts
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Verse below title: 'Twas doing nothing was his curse, Is there a vice can plague us worse? Florio, page 6., and Temporary local subject terms: Quotation from Hannah More -- Wallpaper -- Bracket shlef -- Pictures that amplify subject.
Publish'd as the act directs, March 12th, 1786 by H. Humphrey No. 51 New Bond Street
A view of the interior of a busy French barracks shows a more domestic than military atmosphere although weapons and other gear adorn the walls and lay scattered on the floor. The scene includes a woman nursing a baby (right) as another child plays at her feet. Beside her another woman holds up a mirror so that an officer can admire his reflection from both the front and back. A third woman (left) cuts an officers toe nails as a barber dresses his long queue; another officer has his hair powdered. In the background a man in his night shirt sits on the side of his bed as he stretches his arms and yawns
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Companion print to: English barracks., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Publish'd Aug. 12, 1791, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
France. Armée
Subject (Topic):
Barracks and quarters, Foreign opinion, British, Arms & armament, Armor, Barbers, Barracks, French, Breast feeding, Canopy beds, Cats, Children, Dogs, Grooming, Hairdressing, Mirrors, Servants, Soldiers, Women, and Yawning
publish'd according to act of Parliament, May 1st, 1769.
Call Number:
Collection Title:
Page 64. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Print shows an interior view of a room; a duke has arrived home drunk at 5 a.m. (as shown on the longcase clock beside the door) accompanied by two attendants and watchman only to find his bedchamber occupied by another man. Through the open curtains around the bed can be seen a bare-breasted duchess. On the floor near the bed is an open book, "Memoirs of a woman of pleasure" (a reference to John Cleland's Fanny Hill ...) beside the chamber pot. As the duke with sword drawn, staggers forward, his rival climbs through a window in the background, leaving his clothes behind on a chair. A monkey dashes onto the table near the window on the heels of the husband's rival but pulls down the tablecloth causing the items on the table to be strewn across the floor in the foreground; a book opened to pages “Chastity in the nobility a farce. Dedicated to their Graces the Duke & Dutchess xxx”, breaking a broken mirror, and sending the bottles and jars onto the floor. The bottles have labels "Viper drops" and "Surfeit water" and the jar is labeled "Lip salve".
Title engraved below image., Text preceding publication statement: A recent transaction., "Price 1s. but given gratis to the purchasers of the Court Miscellany."--Following imprint., Eight lines of verse beneath image, four on either side of title: Persons in exalted station, Should patterns be of imitation; But if a duke must have his punk, And from the bagnio ride home drunk. What wonder if her wanton grace, Invites another in his place? He draws his sword raps out his oaths, But what redress? his rival's cloaths., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., The reference to the duke is probably Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, 1745-90., and Probably a 19th century impression, based on the quality of the paper.
publish'd according to act of Parliament, May 1st, 1769.
Call Number:
Quarto 724 771N
Collection Title:
Page 64. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Print shows an interior view of a room; a duke has arrived home drunk at 5 a.m. (as shown on the longcase clock beside the door) accompanied by two attendants and watchman only to find his bedchamber occupied by another man. Through the open curtains around the bed can be seen a bare-breasted duchess. On the floor near the bed is an open book, "Memoirs of a woman of pleasure" (a reference to John Cleland's Fanny Hill ...) beside the chamber pot. As the duke with sword drawn, staggers forward, his rival climbs through a window in the background, leaving his clothes behind on a chair. A monkey dashes onto the table near the window on the heels of the husband's rival but pulls down the tablecloth causing the items on the table to be strewn across the floor in the foreground; a book opened to pages “Chastity in the nobility a farce. Dedicated to their Graces the Duke & Dutchess xxx”, breaking a broken mirror, and sending the bottles and jars onto the floor. The bottles have labels "Viper drops" and "Surfeit water" and the jar is labeled "Lip salve".
Title engraved below image., Text preceding publication statement: A recent transaction., "Price 1s. but given gratis to the purchasers of the Court Miscellany."--Following imprint., Eight lines of verse beneath image, four on either side of title: Persons in exalted station, Should patterns be of imitation; But if a duke must have his punk, And from the bagnio ride home drunk. What wonder if her wanton grace, Invites another in his place? He draws his sword raps out his oaths, But what redress? his rival's cloaths., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., The reference to the duke is probably Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, 1745-90., 1 print : engraving and etching ; sheet 22.2 x 33.1 cm., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint statement from bottom edge., On laid paper. Folded to 22.2 x 25 cm; mounted to 32 x 26 cm., and Mounted on page 64 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
publish'd according to act of Parliament, June 1st 1769.
Call Number:
Quarto 724 771N
Collection Title:
Page 61. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a paneled room hung with mirrors and a clock, the master of the house, in dressing gown and nightcap, puts his hand on the bosom of a maid who serves him biscuits. Next to him a clergyman looks adoringly at the lady of the house on his left. In his hand is an open volume with text "A sermon, I am sick of love." She is dressed in a wrap and cap and, while smiling at the clergyman, surreptitiously takes a letter from a black servant boy who approaches from behind her chair. A parrot in a cage hanging above them sings, "Caesar and Pompey were both of them horned." A squirrel sits on a stool next to the table. In the foreground, a monkey sits on the floor, reading "A dissertation on winding up the clock, by Tristam Shandy." On the extreme left, a footman with a long unbraided queue is trying to push out of the room a bill collector who came in to present a tailor's bill
Title etched below image., Publisher's announcement following publication statement: Price 1s. but given gratis to the purchasers of The Court miscellany., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Eight lines of verse in two columns on either side of the title: With touch indelicate His Grace, approaches that angelic place ..., Companion print to: High life in the evening., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; sheet 22.5 x 34.2 cm, folded to 22.5 x 24.8 cm., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of publication line from bottom edge., Mounted to 26 x 32 cm., and Mounted on page 61 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Interiors, Furniture, Mirrors, Longcase clocks, Women domestics, Clergy, Books, Servants, Parrots, Birdcages, Squirrels, and Monkeys
publish'd according to act of Parliament, June 1st 1769.
Call Number:
Collection Title:
Page 61. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a paneled room hung with mirrors and a clock, the master of the house, in dressing gown and nightcap, puts his hand on the bosom of a maid who serves him biscuits. Next to him a clergyman looks adoringly at the lady of the house on his left. In his hand is an open volume with text "A sermon, I am sick of love." She is dressed in a wrap and cap and, while smiling at the clergyman, surreptitiously takes a letter from a black servant boy who approaches from behind her chair. A parrot in a cage hanging above them sings, "Caesar and Pompey were both of them horned." A squirrel sits on a stool next to the table. In the foreground, a monkey sits on the floor, reading "A dissertation on winding up the clock, by Tristam Shandy." On the extreme left, a footman with a long unbraided queue is trying to push out of the room a bill collector who came in to present a tailor's bill
Title etched below image., Publisher's announcement following publication statement: Price 1s. but given gratis to the purchasers of The Court miscellany., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Eight lines of verse in two columns on either side of the title: With touch indelicate His Grace, approaches that angelic place ..., Companion print to: High life in the evening., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 27 x 39 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Interiors, Furniture, Mirrors, Longcase clocks, Women domestics, Clergy, Books, Servants, Parrots, Birdcages, Squirrels, and Monkeys
Title engraved below image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Dancing lessons -- Costume: female child's costume -- Furniture -- Trades: dancing masters -- Expressions of speech: tol lol de rol., and Imprint partially altered: publication day changed from '2' to '1' in contemporary hand. '91' in 1791 also appears to have been changed.
Publish'd by W. Fores, 1 April 1791, No. 3 Piccadilly
"An elderly invalid sits in an armchair, his gouty legs swathed, a shawl over his head, a pair of bands shows that he is a parson. He turns to his visitor, an elderly lady seated next him in a similar armchair, wearing a hooded cloak over her cap, and holding a muff. Both talk emphatically, their faces and gestures rendering the subject very expressively. An elderly footman (left) hands two glasses of wine on a salver. Beside the host is a circular table with a bowl; behind the armchairs is a folding screen. Two windows, an oval mirror, a chair and low circular table (left) complete the design. In the manner of a pen drawing."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Comfort & relief often found in relating one's complaints and Comfort and relief often found in relating one's complaints
Title etched below image., Text in bottom part of image: Comfort & relief often found in relating one's complaints., "Possibly etched by Rowlandson"--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1932,0226.13., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and For a probable earlier state, before the title "How d'ye do?" was etched in lower margin, see no. 7088 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 6.
Publish'd 20 Octr. 1786 by E. Jackson, Mary-le bone Street, Golden Square
Subject (Topic):
Gout, Visiting the sick, Muffs, Older people, Clergy, Sick persons, Visiting, Complaining, Servants, Interiors, Screens, and Mirrors
"Satire on ageing macaronis; an elderly man wearing an elaborate wig stands whole-length to front in a fashionable interior, his right hand to his chin, his left in his breeches pocket."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
How do you like me
Title engraved below image., Imperfect; publication date erased from end of imprint statement. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Plate numbered '260' in lower left corner., and Temporary local subject terms: Bag wig -- Furniture: oval mirror in gold frame -- Furniture: upholstered chair -- Furnishings: window curtain.
Printed for Carington Bowles, Map & Printseller, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Hudibras is beaten with clubs by two masked men dressed as devils; a third man with mask in hand gestures to the young widow in the doorway on the left. A fourth, smaller masked man holds a large torch as he lights the way in the room. Ralpho hides behind a curtain on the far left. The room is decorated with a large wardrobe, an oval portrait, and large mirror; a footstool and urn in the right corner partially seen in the right corner
Alternative Title:
Hudibras catechized
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Numbered "4"--Upper right corner., Number 9 in the series. See Paulson., One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6., and Caption on either side of title begins: "No sooner was he come t' himself, But on his Neck a sturdy Elf ..."
Hudibras is beaten with clubs by two masked men dressed as devils; a third man with mask in hand gestures to the young widow in the doorway on the left. A fourth, smaller masked man holds a large torch as he lights the way in the room. Ralpho hides behind a curtain on the far left. The room is decorated with a large wardrobe, an oval portrait, and large mirror; a footstool and urn in the right corner partially seen in the right corner
Alternative Title:
Hudibras catechized
Title engraved below image., State, publisher, and date from Paulson., Numbered "4"--Upper right corner., Number 9 in the series. See Paulson., One of twelve large illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1725/6., Caption on either side of title begins: "No sooner was he come t' himself, But on his Neck a sturdy Elf ...", and On page 36 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 26.6 x 35 cm.
Hudibras is beaten with clubs by two masked men dressed as devils; a third man with mask in hand gestures to the young widow in the doorway on the left. A fourth, smaller masked man holds a large torch as he lights the way in the room. Ralpho hides behind a curtain on the far left. The room is decorated with a large wardrobe, an oval portrait, and large mirror; a footstool and urn in the right corner partially seen in the right corner
Alternative Title:
Hudibras catechized
Title engraved below image., After Hogarth., Caption on either side of title begins: "No sooner was he come t' himself, but on his neck a sturdy Elf ... And that which was prov'd true before prove false again two hundred more.", Copy of no. 512 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., and See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 90.
Hudibras is beaten with clubs by two masked men dressed as devils; a third man with mask in hand gestures to the young widow in the doorway on the left. A fourth, smaller masked man holds a large torch as he lights the way in the room. Ralpho hides behind a curtain on the far left. The room is decorated with a large wardrobe, an oval portrait, and large mirror; a footstool and urn in the right corner partially seen in the right corner
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "9" in upper left corner., Eighteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: No sooner was the come t' himslef But on his neck a sturdy elf ... And that which was proved true before Prove false again? Two hundred more., Copy of no. 512 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 90., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
"Interior of a poorly-appointed barber's shop. The barber (left) is shaving a customer who sits in profile to the left facing the window, he holds his razor carelessly, to his customer's alarm, while looking eagerly towards another customer, who sits (right) on a stool in profile to the left, reading from the 'Morning Chronicle'. The barber's assistant or apprentice, a small ragged fellow, gapes up at the reader, he straddles across the stand of a barber's block on which is the wig which he is combing. Two other customers listen intently, both wear aprons, one of them is a shoemaker with a last under his arm. The man reading is shown to be a tailor by the yard-measure which hangs from his coat-pocket. On the wall hang coat, hat, wig, a broken looking-glass, a ballad, a roller-towel. In the window wigs are suspended. On the floor are two wig-boxes (left), inscribed 'Mr Deputy Grizzle' and 'Mr Snipp', a barber's bowl, and a night-cap."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image., After Dighton. See British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Numbered "477" in lower left corner., The Lewis Walpole Library: For later engraving published by Bowles & Carver, see 782., No. 23 in a bound in a collection of 69 prints with a manuscript title page: A collection of drolleries., and Bound in half red morocco with marbled paper boards and spine title "Facetious" in gold lettering.
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, at his map & print warehouse, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
"Interior of a poorly-appointed barber's shop. The barber (left) is shaving a customer who sits in profile to the left facing the window, he holds his razor carelessly, to his customer's alarm, while looking eagerly towards another customer, who sits (right) on a stool in profile to the left, reading from the 'Morning Chronicle'. The barber's assistant or apprentice, a small ragged fellow, gapes up at the reader, he straddles across the stand of a barber's block on which is the wig which he is combing. Two other customers listen intently, both wear aprons, one of them is a shoemaker with a last under his arm. The man reading is shown to be a tailor by the yard-measure which hangs from his coat-pocket. On the wall hang coat, hat, wig, a broken looking-glass, a ballad, a roller-towel. In the window wigs are suspended. On the floor are two wig-boxes (left), inscribed 'Mr Deputy Grizzle' and 'Mr Snipp', a barber's bowl, and a night-cap."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., Publication date inferred from the date of partnership of Bowles and Carver. See Plomer, H.R. Dictionaries of printers and booksellers., Copy after a mezzotint of the same title published by Carington Bowles in 1782., Verses below imprint begin: Sam Soapsuds was scraping the Deputys chin; when Suet and Snip, with Old Crispin came in ..., and Watermark in lower part of sheet, countermark I V in upper part.
Printed for & sold by Bowles & Carver, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Surugue, Louis, approximately 1686 -1762, printmaker, publisher
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.1 (Oversize)
Image Count:
Allegorical scene with Decrepitude as an old woman in extravagant costume putting another beauty spot on her face and looking at her reflection in a mirror on a washstand, while Madness personified by young woman with fool's bauble hanging from a sash is helping her getting dressed; above them, Cupid flying with arrow in his hand."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., See no. 2211 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3., and On page 72 in volume 1.
Chez L. Surugue graveur du roy ruë des Noyers, attenant le Magazin de Papier vis-a-vis St. Yves, A.P.D.R.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Ward, John, 1678-1758
Subject (Topic):
Death and burial, Aging, Clothing & dress, Cupids, Cosmetics, Dressing tables, Mirrors, and Women domestics
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from street address., Possibly after Antoine Chazal., From: Album Comique de Pathologie Pittoresque, Paris, A. Tardieu, 1823., Above image: Album Comique., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Ambroise Tardieu éditeur rue du battoir No.12 and Lith de Langlumé
Subject (Topic):
Smallpox, Communicable diseases, Vaccination, Families, Physicians, Sick persons, and Mirrors