Manuscript fragment on parchment of a biblical commentary on the Prologue to the Pentateuch through Exodus 30 and on the Song of Songs through Matthew 5.
In Latin and Middle High German., Script: written in a very small, heavily abbreviated gothic bookhand (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1-line initials are written in brown; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript on parchment, incomplete, of a Latin sermon about God's mercy and His aversion to pride, demonstrated from teh example of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11).
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Layout: single columns of 25 lines., Script: Caroline minuscule., Decoration: rubrication., and Water damage with loss of text on verso.
Manuscript on paper of commentaries on the Sunday Epistles and other theological and moral texts
In Latin., Script: copied by several similar hands in Gothica Cursiva or Semihybrida Currens; Libraria in art. 5. The headings and the commented texts are in a large, bold and more careful form of the same script; Gothica Textualis Formata at the opening of art. 1, the first section of art. 2 and the opening of art. 3., Red underlining, stroking of majuscules and plain initials of various sizes. A littera duplex (black and red) on ff. 1r and 38r. The decoration is missing at the end of art. 1 (starting f. 32r)., The manuscript contains: 1) Epistles for the Sundays, from Easter to the 16th Sunday after Pentecost, with commentary. 2) Epistles for the Sundays, from Easter to Palm Sunday, with commentary. 3) Summa poenitentiariorum, a commentary on the poem Poeniteas cito. 4) Short instructions for confession, followed by an extensive list in tabular form of sins, the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments, the Works of Bodily Charity, the Works of Spiritual Charity, the Beatitudes, the Cardinal Virtues, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 5) Lumen animae. Theological and moral treatise in alphabetical form based on hundreds of quotations, mostly from texts of a scientific nature (medicine, natural history, astrology, alchemy, philosophy, etc.). 6) Jean Gerson, Donatus spiritualis. 7) Note on sexual perversities., and Binding: 19th century. Quarter binding, dark brown flat leather spine, the cardboard covers covered with dark brown paper paper.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429.
Subject (Topic):
Confession, Catholic Church, Manuscripts, Medieval, Repentance, Christianity, Science, Medieval, Theology, and History
Manuscript on parchment of 1) St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus), Enarrationes in Psalmos 134-150. 2) First half of Ps.-Iohannes Chrysostomus, Sermo de martyribus. 3) Antiphons for the feast of the Conception of the Virgin (8 Dec.), with neumatic notation
In Latin., Script: Copied in Praegothica by three hands., Headings in red. Art. 1 has plain initials (Capitalis, ca. 4 lines) in red, followed by a word in Capitalis/Uncialis. The book opens with an 8-line Romanesque decorated initial in red and black. Art. 2 opens with a black capital followed by two words in Capitalis. Art. 3 is decorated with 1-line initials in black with heightening in red and opens with a 4-line red plain initial., Holes, original repairs and sometimes irregular lower edges., and Binding: Early (probably original) binding in pigskin over heavy unbevelled wooden boards. The covers are blind-tooled with fillets. On the front cover the fillets make a St. Andrews cross, at a later time decorated with trees in Lederschnitt, countless small circular stamps and a few stars (?); the rear cover, with fillets in lozenge pattern, has only the circular stamps and the stars. Spine with three raised bands. On each cover marks of five brass and iron bosses. Two clasps attached to the rear cover. At the top of the front cover an original paper library label with the title (partly rewritten) "Expositio beati Augustini super Psalmo CXXXIIII et deinceps usque ad finem". The binding is strengthened by means of parchment strips placed around the first quire and taken from a 13th-century Latin manuscript.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
Subject (Topic):
Antiphons (Music), Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons
Manuscript on paper in five parts, containing 1) Mariological interpretation of the first five books of the Bible, comparable to Albertus Magnus, Biblia Mariana, which, however, covers the whole Bible and is much less detailed. 2) Smaragdus (d. c. 830), Diadema monachorum. 3) Gerardus de Leodio (Gerard of Liège, d. 1270), debated authorship, De doctrina cordis, shortened version. 4) A series of interconnected anonymous texts, sermons and short treatises dealing with the love between Christ and the Soul, referring to the Song of Songs. With corrections and annotations. 5) Commentary on Cant. 3:9-10. 6) Collection of quotations from the Bible, the Church Fathers, Bernard of Clairvaux, Hugh of St. Victor, Richard of St. Victor, Petrus Manducator, etc. on the Last Things, the Cross, etc. 7) Invocation to God honouring his benefices. 8) Discussion between the Father and the Son about the fate of the sinners, settled through the intervention of theVirgin. 9) Defensor Locogiacensis (Defensor of Ligugé, 7th century), Liber scintillarum
In Latin., Script: The handwriting, by various scribes sometimes difficult to discern, is generally very uneven. Scripts include Hybrida Formata, Semihybrida Currens, Hybrida Libraria, and Cursiva Libraria. Part I (ff. 1-84): Copied by four Gothic hands. Part II (ff. 85-215) Copied by several hands. Part III (ff. 216-273): Copied by three hands. Part IV (ff. 274-343): Copied by one hand. Part V (ff. 344-388): Copied by three hands., Headings in red. Part I: The majuscules are stroked in red. Plain initials of various sizes in red, generally with the simplest form of penwork; they are all executed by the same hand. Part II: Plain initials in red of various styles and sizes, often with some flourishing; they are missing on ff. 206r-207v. Part III: The majuscules are stroked in red. 2-3 line plain initials in red. Part IV: Red stroking of majuscules and red paragraph-marks. Plain initials in red of mediocre execution; on ff. 279r-284r cadels with fancy forms; a face in the initial on f. 312r; some initials (ff. 324r-341v) apparently by the same hand as those in Part I. Part V: Stroking of initials in red. 2-3-line plain initials in red at the opening of the chapters. A human face in the initials on ff. 351r, 352r, 375v. The names of the authorities quoted are in red., The paper at places damaged by the acidity of the ink., Binding: Original blind-tooled brown leather over unbevelled oak boards, bound on four double cords. The two covers are decorated by means of triple fillets with different patterns: on the front cover a double rectangular frame divided into small lozenges decorated with lozenge-shaped hand-tools: griffon, unicorn (?), undetermined, ad two small flowerets; on the rear cover a double rectangular frame divided into six triangles decorated with only a few lozzenge-shaped hand-tools. Both covers protected by four engraved brass corner-pieces (three lost). Remnants of two clasps attached to the rear cover. Spine reinforcement consisting of four fragments from a missal (see below). Spine (damaged) with four raised bands and plaited headbands. Brown leather spine label with gold-tooled title and shelf-mark: "VEN. BEDAE / SCINTILLA ETC. / I. XXII. B. V." (now detached). Five red leather tabs or traces of tabs, one at the beginning of each part. Front paste-down of blank parchment., and Consecutive rear fly-leaf and paste-down cut from the same missal as the binding reinforcements, Germany, 14th century. Final part of the Ordinary of the Mass, containing corrections and changes. The Pater noster has neumatic notation on 4-line staves in black, red and yellow. Parchment. Copied by one hand in Gothica Textualis Formata, the corrections in smaller Textualis Libraria (ca. 1400). Red stroking of majuscules, red rubrics and plain initials.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint., Smaragdus, Abbot of St. Mihiel, active 809-819., and Stephan Bodeker, Bishop of Brandenburg, 1383-1459.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons