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1. Algorismus, etc
- Creator:
- Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230
- Published / Created:
- [between 1300 and 1450]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 1024
- Image Count:
- 179
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment and paper of 1) Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Algorismus. 2) Jordanus Rufus, Medecina equorum. 3) Pseudo-Aristotle, Secretum secretorum. 4) William Falconer, Falconibus
- Description:
- In Latin, German and French., Script: multiple hands writing in multiple scripts., and Binding: S. XV limp parchment binding with leather spine stiffener and visible sewing and flap. The parchment is from an erased music manuscript. Remnants of a paper title label on the spine (text lost).
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Pseudo-Augustinus. and Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230.
- Subject (Topic):
- Falconry, Horses, Manuscripts, Medieval, Mathematics, Medieval, Medicine, Medieval, and Occultism
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Algorismus, etc
2. Antiphonary (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [between 1290 and 1310]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 482.78A
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing St. Paul (30 June).
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: initials of antiphons and responses are 1-line red capitals; 1-line initials for verses and Psalm incipits are in brown highlighted with red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style, somewhat surprising in a manuscript of this date; differentiae in roman numerals with neumes in the St. Gall style are in the outer margins for antiphons with full text.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Antiphonaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Antiphonary (fragment).
3. Antiphonary (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [between 1390 and 1410].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 482.106
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing: the Annunciation (25 March); Responsories from the book of Job and Psalms; and a computistical table for calculating the time between Christmas and Shrove Tuesday, with explicatory notes in German
- Description:
- In Latin and German., Script: written by three scribes in gothic script (littera textualis); one scribed copied fol. 1, another copied fol. 2r, and a third copies fol. 2v., and Decoration: 2-line initials at the beginning of the antiphon on fol. 1 are in red; the guide letters for these initials are still visible in light brown ink and some have been ornamented, including one with a crude figure of a person; 2-line initials at the beginning of verses on fol. 1 are in black with black penwork; fol. 2v begins with a very crude 2-line round D in red; rubrics written in red; musical notation is in black and on fol. 1 is on a 4-line staff in black; on fol. 2r it is on a 5-line staff in black; punctuated with the punctus.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Antiphonaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Antiphonary (fragment).
4. Antiphonary (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [between 1390 and 1410].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 482.107
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing: Sts. Cosmas and Damian (27 September); Archangel Michael (29 September); St. Dionysius (9 October); and St. Gall (16 October).
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: The offices of Archangel Michael and of St. Gall begin with 2-line initials in red and blue; the insider of the letters is decorated with an animal on a red and green ground surrounded by red and blue penwork and white dots; the outside of the letters is surrounded by red and blue penwork; 2-line initials of antiphons and responses alternate red and blue; the 2-line initial of the verse is in brown highlighted with red; the left margins of both versos are decorated with red and blue designs, which are topped by an animal head in red on fol. 1v; musical notation is in black on a 5-line staff in black; punctuated with the punctus.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Antiphonaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Antiphonary (fragment).
5. Antiphonary (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [between 1300 and 1350].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 481.114
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing the Common of Martyrs
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 4-line initial "A" in red and blue ornamented with red and blue penwork; chant initials alternate as 2-line blue initials and 1-line red initials; other 1-line capitals in black; rubrics written in red minuscule; musical notation is in black on 4-line staves in red; punctuated with the punctus.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Antiphonaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Antiphonary (fragment).
6. Bible, Kings and Wisdom (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [13--].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 482.82
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of portions of the biblical books of 1 Kings and Wisdom
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1-line initials of each verse are in brown highlighted with red; punctuated with the punctus and the punctus elevatus.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Bible, Kings and Wisdom (fragment).
7. Breviary
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1350]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 770
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on vellum of 1 leaf from a Breviary, with Feasts of Saint Luke (October 18) and the 11,000 Virgins (October 21).
- Description:
- In Latin., Two 10-line historiated initials, blue on red background and red on blue background, both letter and background decorated with white penwork, patches of gold in the corners, with foliate marginal extensions. Yellow stroking of majuscules. Red rubrics and 1-line versals. Alternately red and blue half inset 3-line flourished initials with penwork respectively in blue and purple, with marginal extensions., and Script: copied by one hand in small Northern Gothica Textualis Formata.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Ursula, Saint. and Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Breviaries, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Breviary
8. Breviary (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [between 1300 and 1350].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 482.87
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of a breviary containing the Fourth Sunday of Advent, second nocturn of matins, and Fourth Sunday of Advent, from the second to the third nocturn of matins
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: the initials of the lessons are slightly enlarged; they alternate blue with red penwork or red with blue penwork; initials at the beginning of verses are highlighted with red; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text; liturgical directions are written in black and are underlined in red; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Breviaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Breviary (fragment).
9. Breviary (fragment).
- Published / Created:
- [between 1300 and 1350].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 481.115
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of a breviary containing: Sts. Philip and James (1 May); Invention of the Cross (3 May); Sts. Gervase and Protase (19 June); Vigil of John the Baptist (23 June); and John the Baptist (24 June).
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 2- to 7-line initials alternate red with blue penwork and blue with red penwork; 1-line initials in red or in black highlighted with red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Breviaries
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Breviary (fragment).