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- Creator:
- Avicenna, 980-1037
Jābir ibn Ḥayyān
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, 865?-925?
Richard, de Fournival, fl. 1246-1260 - Published / Created:
- [ca. 1350]
- Call Number:
- Mellon MS 2
- Image Count:
- 96
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment of a collection of practical alchemies and procedures, the earliest such manuscript in the Mellon collection. Contains texts transmitted from Arabic sources and what appear to be European additions to the literature and practice of alchemy. Includes the following identifiable texts: Rasis or Aristotle, Lumen luminum perfecti magisterii; Avicenna, Epistola ad Hasen; Geber, Liber deitatis sive divinitatis and Summa perfectionis magisterii; Rasis, De aluminibus et salibus, extracts; and Richard de Fournival, Opus Arturi, or De arte alchemica. and The codex is an important, early, and comprehensive collection of largely practical alchemies and procedures. It is also of special significance both because of its early copies of texts transmitted from Arabic sources and for what appear to be very early, independent, European additions to the literature and practice of alchemy.
- Description:
- Alternating red and blue capitals throughout, some headings in red, many capitals stroked red, slight filiform decoration to opening initial of the volume, the rubrics and decoration probably by one of the scribes or another closely related hand., Binding: Early, probably 15th century. Undecorated red-dyed hide over beveled wooden boards, four brass edgepieces on each cover attached with brass nails, two brass catches on upper cover, lightly chased brass and leather clasps on lower cover (all of the material of cut sheet-brass), back with six raised bands, repaired and rebacked, with modern leather title label. Used as pastedowns inside upper and lower cover are two leaves from a 14th-century Germanic (perhaps Netherlandish) manuscript on parchment containing plainsong written in Germanic neumes on five-line staves, the text in Gothica textualis formata, large gothic capitals in red or blue, one at top of lower pastedown in black and red slightly decorated. In all the staves but the last on the lower pastedown the center-line is stroked red and bears the clef sign; in the last, the fourth line from the bottom has these indications., Pastedowns inside both covers are two leaves from a 14th-century Germanic (perhaps Netherlandish) manuscript on parchment containing plainsong written in Germanic neumes on five-line staves, the text in Gothica textualis formata, large gothic capitals in red or blue, one at top of lower pastedown in black and red slightly decorated., Possibly written by Frater Bartholomaeus (of?) Ol-----, 1335, according to a later note at foot of f. 88v, Script: Written by three scribes all using similar, legible, and rather cursive forms of Gothica textualis; the first scribe wrote ff. 1r-64v, the second ff. 65r-77r1, 38, and the third the remainder., Written by three scribes all using closely similar, legible, and rather cursive forms of Gothica textualis, heavily abbreviated with standard forms., and Written space 184 x 116, 2 columns, 50-49-48 lines each.
- Subject (Name):
- Avicenna, 980-1037, Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294, Duveen, Denis I., bookplate, Geber, 13th cent. Summa perfectionis magisterii, Razi, Abu Bakr Muh ammad ibn Zakariya, 865?-925?, Richard, de Fournival, fl. 1246-1260, and Saumaise, Claude, 1588-1653, provenance
- Subject (Topic):
- Alchemy--Early works to 1800, Manuscripts, Medieval--Connecticut--New Haven, and Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in Beinecke Library
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Alchemical miscellany
- Call Number:
- Taylor 355
- Collection Title:
- America painted to the life. The true history of the Spaniards proceedings in the conquests of the
- Image Count:
- 1
- Description:
- Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
- Subject (Geographic):
- America --Discovery and exploration and New England --History --Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775
- Subject (Name):
- Johnson, Edward, 1599?-1672. America painted to the life
- Subject (Topic):
- Indians of North America
- Collection Created:
- London, Printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in Cornhil, 1658-59
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > America painted to the life ...
- Published / Created:
- [1469?]
- Call Number:
- Zi +224
- Collection Title:
- Ethica ad Nicomachum ; Politica ; Oeconomica / [translated into Latin by Leonardo Bruni Aretino].
- Image Count:
- 4
- Collection Created:
- [Strassburg : Johann Mentelin, before April 10, 1469]
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Folios 88v, 89r, 102v, 103r
- Published / Created:
- 1818
- Call Number:
- Ocb52 825p
- Image Count:
- 11
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Alternative Title:
- [Greek music manuscript]
- Description:
- Bound with 5 other titles: Polyzōidēs, Anastasios. Theōria genikē. En Mesologgiō, 1825., In black and red ink., On paper., and Rubricated.
- Publisher:
- Para Nikolaō Glykei tō ex Iōanninōn
- Subject (Topic):
- Music --Greece
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Ho Voskopoula hē Eumorphē onomasmenē. Eis typou k' eis phanerōsin palin metabalmenē. Diorthōtheisa, hōs phainetai, akribōs sēmeiōmenē
- Creator:
- Catholic Church
- Published / Created:
- Anno Dñi millesimo quingẽtesimo decimo nono, [1519]. Die vero.xxiiij. Octobris]
- Call Number:
- Mrm61 1519
- Image Count:
- 222
- Description:
- Imperfect: many head-lines bled ; some borders restored. and Signatures: A10A-Z8&828ã4.
- Publisher:
- per Nicolaum Hicq̃mã Allemanũ: imprensis et sumptib[9] ... Francisci Regnault ...
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Hore Btīssime Virginis Marie ad legitimĩ Sarisburiẽsis ecclesie ritum: cum quindecim orationibus Beate Brigitte: ac multis alijs orationibus ...
- Creator:
- Bersuire, Pierre, ca. 1290-1362
Wier, Richard, -1792 - Published / Created:
- [Second half of the 15th century]
- Call Number:
- 1954.17.1.4
- Image Count:
- 468
- Alternative Title:
- Ab Urbe Condita, Des faites des Romains , and Historiarum romanorum
- Description:
- 7 miniatures on vellum: ff. 1r, 34r, 63r, 88r, 124v, 165r, 200v. and Phillipps #13332.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Rome --History
- Subject (Name):
- Mac-Carthy-Reagh, Justin, comte de, 1744-1811--Provenance and Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872--Provenance
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > L'histoire Romaine
- Creator:
- Bersuire, Pierre, ca. 1290-1362
Wier, Richard, -1792 - Published / Created:
- [Second half of the 15th century]
- Call Number:
- 1954.17.1.3
- Image Count:
- 522
- Alternative Title:
- Ab Urbe Condita, Des faites des Romains , and Historiarum romanorum
- Description:
- 10 miniatures on vellum: ff. 1r, 35r, 65r, 94r, 129r, 165r, 179v, 193v, 209r, 238v. and Phillipps #13332.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Rome --History
- Subject (Name):
- Mac-Carthy-Reagh, Justin, comte de, 1744-1811--Provenance and Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872--Provenance
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > L'histoire Romaine
- Creator:
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
- Published / Created:
- [1484 March 23]
- Call Number:
- Zi +4581
- Image Count:
- 1
- Alternative Title:
- [Divina commedia.]
- Subject (Name):
- Scotto, Ottaviano, d. 1498
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > La commedia / [with commentary by Cristoforo Landino]
- Call Number:
- 1986 88
- Collection Title:
- La vie des peintres flamands, allemands et hollandois : avec des portraits graves en taille-douce
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Subject (Topic):
- Artists --Portraits, Painters --Belgium, Painters --Germany, and Painters --Netherlands
- Collection Created:
- A Paris : Chez Charles-Antoine Jombert ..., 1753-1763
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > La vie des peintres flamands, allemands et hollandois ...
- Creator:
- Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536
Froben, Johann, d. 1527. bkp
Oecolampadius, Johann, 1482-1531 - Published / Created:
- 1516]
- Call Number:
- MLh691 +b516
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Alternative Title:
- Bible. N.T. Greek. 1516.
- Description:
- "The earliest published edition of the New Testament in Greek."--Hist. cat. of printed Bibles, no. 4591., BEIN MLh691 +b516 Copy 2: Variant copy. 32 cm. In the 2d count, p. 215 misprinted 126 (misprinted 216 in the preceding variant), and p. 419, 620, 625 misprinted respectively 434, 670, 675 (numbered correctly in the preceding variant)., Epistles of Paul bound in after first p. 324., Greek text and Latin translation in parallel columns., and Printer's mark on t.-p. and at end; dedications within ornamental borders; head pieces and initials (part in red).
- Publisher:
- in ædibus I. Frobenij,
- Subject (Topic):
- Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul--Greek and Bible. N.T. Greek--Versions--Erasmus
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Novvm instrumentu omne, diligenter ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitum & emendatum, no solum ad græcam ueritatem, uerumetiam ad multorum utrisq[ue] linguæ codicum, eorumq[ue] ueterum simul & emendatorum fidem, postremo ad probatissimorum autorum citationem, emendationem & interpretationem, præcipue, Origenis, Chrysostomi, Cyrilli, Vulgarij [i.e. Theophylacti archiepiscopi Bulgariae], Hieronymi, Cypriani, Ambrosij, Hilarij, Augustini, una cu annotationibus, quæ lectorem doceant, quid qua ratione mutatum sit ...
- Creator:
- Josephus, Flavius
Rufinus, of Aquileia, 345-410
Squarciafico, Girolamo - Published / Created:
- March 31 - May 10, 1481
- Call Number:
- 1982 +88
- Image Count:
- 354
- Alternative Title:
- [Works. Latin. 1481]
- Description:
- Bound in reverse order.
- Publisher:
- Raynaldus de Novimagio
- Subject (Topic):
- Jews --History --To 70 A.D
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Opera. [In the translation of Rufinus Aquileiensis. Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus]
- Creator:
- Unidentified
- Published / Created:
- [17--?]
- Call Number:
- Collection Title:
- General Collection manuscript music miscellany
- Container / Volume:
- Group 85
- Image Count:
- 167
- Abstract:
- Bound autograph manuscript in an unidentified hand of the Psalms of David and other church music in Ancient Greek, set to music for use in the churches at Constantinople.
- Description:
- Also listed in finding aid for General Collection Manuscript Music Miscellany., In red and black ink., and Title devised by cataloger.
- Subject (Name):
- Orthodox Eastern Church--Liturgy and ritual and Orthodox Eastern Church--Manuscripts
- Subject (Topic):
- Bible. O.T. Psalms. Greek., Psalms (Music), and Sacred vocal music
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Orthodox Eastern Church music
- Call Number:
- Ip M834 +891sd
- Collection Title:
- The story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called the Land of Living Men or the Acre of
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Abstract:
- Imprint from colophon, which reads: Here ends the tale of the Glittering Plain, written by William Morris, & ornamented with 23 pictures by Walter Crane. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the county of Middlesex, ...
- Description:
- Illustrated title page for Chapter XV.
- Collection Created:
- [Hammersmith : Kelmscott Press, 1894]
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > The story of the glittering plain of the land of living men
- Call Number:
- X178 C65 Z909Sm
- Collection Title:
- The tragicall historie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke, by William Shakespeare (1604, 1623)
- Image Count:
- 1
- Subject (Name):
- Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. (Thomas James), 1840-1922 and Doves Press
- Collection Created:
- [Hammersmith, London, Printed by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, 1909]
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > The tragicall historie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke
- Published / Created:
- s. XII^^1
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 3.4
- Container / Volume:
- No. 4
- Image Count:
- 8
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- 4 fragments of a missale plenum. Portions of Dominica X post Pentecosten, Feria IV of that week, Dominica XI, and of votive masses for a priest to say on behalf of himself, and for the shedding of tears. Where they occur, the texts of the proper chants are notated in a compact, well executed, distinctive script of mixed Breton and French aspect. Some of the chants are cited by incipit. Unusually, the first of the votive masses is prefaced by a listing of chants which would be appropriate to it. The Alleluia for Dominica X is Domine refugium, and the proper collect for Vespers of that Sunday (not present in the fragment) was entered after the post communion.
- Description:
- 2 columns (each 69 mm. wide), ruled in lead; between guide-lines 7 mm.; writing above top line. Written in 2 sizes of early gothic, with neumes above the smaller size. Initials 6- to 2-line, in blue and/or red, with red or blue flourishes; rubrics in red. Binding reinforcement from spine; rubbed, creased and stained, with traces of glue. and Parchment, fragments
- Subject (Name):
- Catholic Church --Liturgy --Texts and Catholic Church --Prayer-books and devotions --Early works to 1800
- Subject (Topic):
- Missals--Early works to 1800 and Neumes
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Missal fragments]
- Call Number:
- Zzi 2028
- Collection Title:
- Disz durchleuchtigist werck der gantzen heyligen geschrifft, genant dy bibel ... hat hie ein ende ...
- Image Count:
- 4
- Collection Created:
- [Nuremberg] : Gedruckt durch Anthonium Koburger in der loeblichen keyserlichen reychstat Nuerenberg, Nach der Geburt cristi ... [17 Feb 1483]
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Selected leaves]
- Call Number:
- Zi +443 1-2
- Collection Title:
- Biblia deutsch
- Image Count:
- 3
- Resource Type:
- Books, Journals & Pamphlets
- Collection Created:
- [Strassburg : Johann Gruninger, May 2, 1485]
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Selected leaves]
- Call Number:
- Zi +6849.3
- Collection Title:
- P. Ovidii Nasonis Svlmonensis Metamorphoseos
- Image Count:
- 4
- Subject (Topic):
- Cadmus (Greek mythology) and Mythology, Greek --Early works to 1800
- Collection Created:
- [Parma : Andrea Portilia, May 15, 1480]
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Selected pages from] Liber Tertius
- Call Number:
- Rosenthal 99
- Collection Title:
- P. Ouidii Nasonis Metamorphoseos liber primus[-XV. et ultimus]
- Image Count:
- 4
- Subject (Topic):
- Actaeon (Greek mythology), Cadmus (Greek mythology), and Mythology, Greek --Early works to 1800
- Collection Created:
- Impressum Venetiis : Per Bernardinum de Nouaria,
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Selected pages from] Liber Tertius