Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Bishop Graves, Rev. J.A. Ingle & group of native Christians, Hanch'uan (60 miles up the Han River from Hankow) [now Wuhan] Graves and Ingle in clergy dress standing with large group of Chinese in front of small traditional Chinese building with decorative roof., and J.A. Ingle, first bishop of missionary district of Hankow (Wuhan) 1901 - 1903; Frederick R. Graves, Bishop of Shanghai from 1891 - 1937. Graves came to China in 1881.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Bohlem House (residence) Wuchang [now Wuhan] View of outside of missionary house, bamboo shades drawn down on upper and lower porches.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Boone School (Williams Hall) in Process of Building. Dec. 1896. High view of construction on Williams Hall., and Boone School founded as memorial to William Jones Boone, first Bishop of American Church Mission in China. School founded 1871. Later incorporated as a university, under laws of the District of Columbia, 1909. Joined with Wesley College and Griffith John College to form Central China College in 1922 (Gray, 32).
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Chinese Prayer Book Revision. Ingle; Pott; Partridge; Arch. Thomson; Bishop. The Chinese Prayer Book Revision Committee is seated at a library table with three Chinese assistants standing in back., and J.A. Ingle was first Bishop of the missionary district of Hankow [Wuhan] 1901-1903; E.H. Thomson was Archdeacon of Hongkew; Frederick R. Graves was Bishop of Shanghai from 1891 -- 1937.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Foreign and Native Clergy. Shanghai District. 1898. The clergymen are posing in front of the arched door of a chapel. The Western clergy are in Western dress while the Chinese clergy are in Chinese dress.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and St. John's Hankow, Christmas '98 Decorations of various colors, mostly red. [now Wuhan] A altar of a church, which has been decorated for the holidays.
"Interior Church of Our Savior Hongkew." Looking at the front area inside a church. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Church of Our Savior, Hongkew Shanghai - built by Bishop Boone 1853. View of church from outside on street. Chinese in lower right corner, one rickshaw and horse carriage waiting in street. Chinese lantern hanging from building across from church., and William Jones Boone was the first Bishop of the American Church Mission in China.
"Church of the Nativity, Wuchang Exterior, 1897" [now Wuhan] Exterior view of front of church. Church of the Nativity consecrated 1889. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"View taken from a tea house, after the great fire of October 1, 1898, Hongkew. 10,000 or more families were burnt out." Overhead shot of burned city stretching diagonally from position of photographer, dozens of workers cleaning up below. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Boone School was founded in 1871 as a memorial to William Jones Boone, first Bishop of the American Church Mission (Episcopal) in China. It was incorporated as a university, under laws of the District of Columbia, 1909. In 1922, Boone joined with Wesley College and Griffith John College to form Central China College, also known as Huachung College., and Boone School, Williams Hall, General Study Hall, Christmas 1897 School room with evergreen Christmas decorations strung from ceiling and "Merry Christmas" written on blackboard.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and On label, labeled right to left: "1. Rev. Mr. Huntington; 2. Rev. Mr. Roots; 3. Rev. Mr. -- Now Bp. Partridge; Rev. Mr. Littell; Rev. Mr. Ingle" On back of photo: same names, labeled left to right. "Three Cantonese and one Hupel boy, who were baptized at Boone School, Wuchang, Christmas 1899." [now Wuhan] Photo of clergy with Chinese students, with drawing and label explaining figures in photo. Left to right, J.A. Ingle, first bishop of missionary district of Hankow (Wuhan) 1901 -- 1903; S.H. Littell; S.C. Partridge; L.H. Roots, Bishop of Hankow 1903 -- 1937. D.T. Huntington, consecrated first Bishop of Wuhu, March 1912 (diocese renamed Anqing in 1913. Wuhu and Anqing are separate places, and still preferred names according to TGN).
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Divinity School, Wuchang, Mr. Ridgely, Mr. Partridge, Mr. Littell, Mr. Wood, and the three divinity students, Dec, 1898. [now Wuhan] Four teachers from Divinity School in Western dress and three students in Chinese dress posing under entranceway. Saint Paul's Divinity School founded in 1895 in Boone School compound (Gray, 14).
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Dr. Boone's Hospital for Men. Shanghai Street view of hospital; policeman standing on corner dressed in British style uniform.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missionaries associated with American Protestant Episcopal Church Mission. Saint John's College, founded 1879, incorporated as university 1905., and The Faculty St. John's College. 1897. Mr. Rees, Dr. Boone, Dr. Ludlow, Mr. Pott, Mr. Cooper Chinese and Western faculty of St. John's College. Chinese members in traditional Chinese dress, some holding closed fans. Western members dressed in Western dress, two holding straw boater hats, one holding derby.
"Casting the Lead on the Yangtze" Two people on board a ship, wearing rain gear, and preparing to throw out a line for catching fish. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Boone School founded in 1871 as memorial to William Jones Boone, first Bishop of American Church Mission in China. Later incorporated as a university under laws of the District of Columbia, 1909. Joined with Wesley College and Griffith John College to form Central China College in 1922 (Gray, 32)., and Boone School, Wuchang, Commencement Group. 1 Feb., 1899. The boy sitting on the tiger skin in the chair in front was elected the most popular boy in the school, by general vote, and then carried in honor through the school buildings on the shoulder of his school mates. [now Wuhan] Students standing in front of school in traditional Chinese dress, gathered around elected student in chair. School flag as backdrop. One student holding American flag, others various Chinese flags, one tri-color flag like France or Ireland. One student holds small drum with American flag printed on it. Another holds a bugle.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Clergy House, Wuchang [now Wuhan] Exterior view of front of clergy house. Verandas on first and second levels. Sidewalk in lower left corner.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Saint Paul's, Hankow, from west door. [now Wuhan] Facing front altar from middle of nave. Church primarily brick, with three Gothic stained glass windows behind altar. Screen dividing off left side pews starting halfway up the aisle. Certain sections of pews marked with signs in Chinese characters.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Interior of Saint John's College Chapel. Easter decorations. View looking forward toward altar from the center of the sanctuary. Flowers and greenery at front, bunting hanging from ceiling. Banners in Chinese hanging on sides of brick arch and across ceiling beams.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Interior of chapel, Dec. 1897 Han ch'uan (60 miles up the Han from Hankow) [now Wuhan] View facing front altar of rough, tiny chapel. Plain clear windows on left side providing natural light. Simple wooden furnishings -- benches, square communion rail, basic wooden altar and cross. Plain linens of solid colors hanging from ceiling, on altar, and on pulpit.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Church of the Nativity, Wuchang, All Saints Day, 1897 [now Wuhan] Photo facing front, facing altar, kneelers and candelabras. Flowers surrounding the pulpit, on the stairs, on and around the altar.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and St. Timothy's Guild, Wuchang, 1899 [now Wuhan] Group of men posing on steps in front of ornate Chinese wall. Americans dressed in Western clergy dress, Chinese dressed in traditional Chinese dress. All wearing a small cross extended from small chain pinned to chest.
"Saint Peter's Hospital, Wuchang, March, 1900" [now Wuhan] Three men resting in hospital beds, clipboards on the wall behind them. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and St. John's College Students at Drill. View of students in formation wearing Chinese-style military uniforms, using staffs in place of rifles. Military drummers and commanders standing behind each formation.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Hospitals from City Wall, Wuchang. Bohlem House, Women;s Hospital, Men;s Hospital. Wall of Hospital [now Wuhan] Panorama of compound with large ditch/whitewashed wall in foreground. Hospitals in distance.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Mission Compound from the City Wall, Wuchang, Panorama, with pictures of 'Hospital from City Wall.' Bohlem House, Church, Clergy House, Divinity School, Boone School. Wall of Hospital Campus. [now Wuhan] Photo of compound with whitewashed dividing wall curving into distance on left side. View of Bohlem House, St. Paul's Divinity School, Boone School.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Members of the Conference 1899. About to cross the Yangtze. Westerners in clergy dress boarding Chinese boat with mast on the banks of Yangtze River.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Francis L. Hawks Pott, arrived in China 1887, was president of St. John's College/University from 1888 - 1942. St. John's College founded 1879, incorporated as a University 1905., and Rev. Mr. Pott and his choir boys. 1899. Rev. Pott with Chinese deacons and choir boys in liturgical garb, standing to right side of entrance of St. John's College chapel.
"Reverend J.A. Ingle and Class of Evangelists or Catechists, Hankow, April 1899" [now Wuhan] A Western missionary surrounded by several Chinese men in what appears to be the courtyard of a church. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Logan H. Roots was Bishop of Hankow from 1903 to 1937., and Rev. M.K. Huang and family, St. Peter's, Hankow. Mr. Huang is in charge of this chapel, under general supervision of L. H. Roots. Chinese clergyman and family from Hankow [now Wuhan] wearing traditional dress, posing in front of Chinese painting and two banners with Chinese characters.
"Saint John's College Chapel from the lawn." Front of brick chapel, looking across lawn. Front of chapel covered with ivy. Chinese and Westerners standing on lawn and on steps of church in distance. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Saint Peter's Chapel, Hankow, Christmas, 1898 Decorations are all in bright red with gilt letters. [now Wuhan] View facing front altar of darkly-lit small chapel. Chinese characters on walls, large evergreen star near ceiling over the arch. Covered stone baptismal on left side. Screen dividing off right side of church.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Transept where Friday ev'g mtg's and smaller services are held, St. Paul's Church, Hankow. Penitents bench on right. View facing front altar of small chapel. Large stone baptismal in foreground, even with back pews.
"St. Peter's Hospital, Wuchang, March, 1900" [now Wuhan] Corner of outside of Chinese style building with porch, and outbuilding with ornate Chinese roof decoration along whitewashed wall. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Up Country School in China with Teacher." Students standing in front of rough school building dressed in more rural traditional Chinese clothing. Teacher wearing dark tinted spectacles. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Day School and Teacher in Hanchuan (60 miles up the Han from Hankow)" [now Wuhan] Children gathered in front of door with Chinese teacher in background. All wearing traditional Chinese dress. Some faces in front of photo blurred. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Church of the Nativity, Wuchang, Epiphany, 1897" Photo facing front, facing altar, from middle of nave. Evergreen garlands hanging from ceiling. Pews with choir stands on left side. Large screen dividing off right side pews from rest of church. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Meeting of the Women's Auxiliary. 1899. Tea on the Lawn. Outside shot of women sitting around tables. Mostly Chinese women in Chinese dress visible, although some Western women in background, distinguished by hats.
"Womans Hospital. Dr. Gates. Shanghai" View of outside of hospital. Street signs says "Seward Road." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Bridge at Wanhsien [now Wanxian] Szechwan [now Sichuan] Chinese made Print from Negative by George Barbour Arched bridge with building on top. Women washing clothes along riverside.
"Yenching University 1926" Corner of a building in foreground with further building site in distance. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Yenching 1926 Barbour" Two buildings with distinctive combination of Chinese and Western architecture. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ancient octave of bells - Barbour Three Chinese women stand to the side looking at musical instruments.